Until I get the opportunity to play with this platform a little and see how it works, I'll just tell you a little about me. I am trying to raise enough money to purchase property to establish a community where Christians can raise their kids and worship without judgement or worse, and it is coming persecution at least until we are raptured out. I am asking everyone to donate $1 to my PayPal [email protected]. Alone it's not much but together we can make a big difference. This is not to make Money for if the community dosent come to fruition, I wilI walk the streets and give to the homeless. I truly want a place where it is safe to worship, they have already banned Bibles in California. In my own state it is illegal in some areas to be homeless. Other areas it is illegal to give a homeless person something to eat, even if it's your leftovers from a restaurant. It will get worse before it gets better. I feel this is the path that God has put me on and if it isn't what he wants me to be doing he will lead me where he wants me to go. Until the rapture, Christians will have a safe, protected place to worship if this works out and is God's will! Everyone in this community will have their own home. We will have people from all walks of life and be totally self sufficient. We will need doctors, nurses, carpenter's, seamstresses, teachers, defenders, horse trainers,and much more. We will grow but stay under the radar because we will not cause problems. You will have to be voted in by other members and can be voted out just as fast for infractions. You must wholeheartedly be a Christian and know Jesus Christ is your saviour. It will evolve into a community that is safe and gives glory to God in heaven even when or if that becomes forbidden. No one with a chip in their hand or forehead will be allowed in period. We will need farmers, well drillers, all kind of equipment. It will be based on the principles of the Bible.This will be a peaceful place for believers to survive until the rapture and not have to live in any part of the beast system. The charter will look similar to the United States but with more emphasis on what's most important, our faith in Jesus Christ. It's not going to be easy and its going to be hard work to get it going. It makes it vitally important to get it underway quickly. More to come! I am so sorry guys, I had my PayPal email spelled wrong. It is [email protected]. I went back up and corrected it but didn't realize it until today.
Sep 2018
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