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The Year Of The Bear - Ep.9

ButonflySep 17, 2018, 11:52:49 AM

(Start at the beginning)

The light of a fire crackled amidst a small outcrop of trees. Dusk had faded into early darkness as Carmel, and his mixed band, rested for the evening. The seasonal air was cool, but south and down from the mountains meant it was the warmest weather Carmel had ever experienced. The same couldn't be said for present company however, as the Wilderman struggled between making nice with his captive, and contending with the bloodthirsty Kodiak.

“Eat.” Carmel stared intently into Kassandra’s eyes as he held a morsel of game between them. The young maiden was defiant beyond reason, a stubbornness that seemed otherworldly given her age and, more importantly, her circumstance. Carmel couldn't rightly make sense of it except to assume she’d been given a hard upbringing. Without anyone to ask he didn't hold out for an explanation.

“Eat!” He said again, raising the food in his fingers to her lips. Kass turned her head and spat.

“If you don’t eat willingly, I’ll be forced to shove it down your throat.” He threatened, more for his own frustration, but the thought was there.

Nearby Dolev sat in darkness, watching, while Kodiak skulked closer to the firelight, picking at his nai with the end of a knife. Carmel regarded his companions, looking at the staring eyes to garner their thoughts. It was Julia who offered the opinion.

“Can it really be called willingly when she’s bound by hand and foot?”

Carmel knew his treatment of Kass had not sat well with the Southerner, and from time to time she’d raised a question, or issued a look that betrayed her thoughts. Up until now she’d been cautious not to overstep her place but it appeared her confidence had grown, and a boldness formed with which to raise a challenge.

Carmel did not fault her for the inquiry, had the circumstance been different he’d prefer not to drag a young girl around bound by rope. Times were what they were however.

“I haven't tied her mouth shut,” He argued with a frown.

“She won't eat the meat, not willingly.” Dolev cut in. “It’s the malady, she is changed.”

“Why not feed her something else?” Julia inquired, confused but ever eager to learn. “Some bread, or dates? Here, she can have some of mine.”

“No,” Dolev’s response cut low and cold. “He can’t. He’s seen Peste in the north, haven't you?”

Carmel fell silent a moment as he thought about home, the people there, and those who fell to the malady. He thought of those who changed. “If I give her what she wants it’ll only grow worse.” He answered after the moment.

“Worse how? What’s wrong with her?” Julia was staring at Kass now, and Kass stared back with a sad gaze she seemed to save only for her.

Dolev stepped forth into the firelight and crouched down next to the fire, drawing its warmth. “It would appear as nothing to you now, but in time will grow to malign. She looks like an angry, troubled girl to your eyes, understandably so- held in bondage and forced to go places against her will. But to those of us who’ve experienced this before, the fact she was suddenly so eager to fight through her mother, and run away with the Yos, it’s enough to tell us she has been infected. The fact she won't eat meat only proves it.”

“Better to relieve her of her trouble,” Kodiak turned on his heels, pivoting in the soft earth, squaring his shoulders off with the group. “And us too, for what it’s worth.”

Carmel kept one surreptitious eye on the knife in Kodiak’s hand. Everyone else ignored him.

“That’s why you tested me.” Julia realised, and thought on the fact. “So why force feed her meat?” She asked.

“I have been wondering this myself.” All eyes were suddenly on Carmel.

Carmel ran his eyes over Kass and considered his next course of action. “Because it will sustain her.” He said matter of factly. He paused, then added, “And I need to know if it can be reversed.”

“I’ll never give in to you!” Kass shot back angrily. “There’s nothing wrong with me. Let me go! You’re a scoundrel and a thief, look at you, binding a maiden for your filthy pleasure. You’re the sick one, you and your sick friends. Given the chance I’d end you!” She narrowed her eyes and seethed through bared teeth.

“That’s that then, challenge accepted,” and with that, Carmel pushed Kass to the ground and sat on top of her. She struggled, but with her hands and feet bound it was a fruitless endeavor. He pulled apart a piece of meat with his fingers as she wriggled. Grabbing her cheeks with one greasy hand he forced her mouth open with a squeeze, then ungraciously forced the morsel deep into the back of her throat. The curses were cut short by a guttural, throaty noise, and started again in the form of an aggravated scream once the morsel had been choked down..

Carmel sat up and smiled. “There, I know I feel better.” He announced.


After the festivities of dinner, the dying of the fire, and the rising sun, the party continued on their journey south. As time drew on the road became more defined with the softening of the land. Rolling hills of green, streams, and sparse clusters of trees filled the area. Birds and wild beasts roamed within plain sight, much to Carmel’s wonderment. The bounties of the high north were considerably less by comparison and he imagined a gamesman would do well to settle here. Such thoughts would better serve another man for another time though, leaving Carmel just happy for the easy ride this side of the mountain.

As the day drew on and the sun lowered in the sky, the party came upon their first piece of civilization since leaving Ipswitch. The community consisted of five or so dwellings, some hovels or shacks, built beside a river under the shelter of a jut of cliff that issued from the ground. The surrounding land had been worked with both cattle and crop present, while the entrance to a mine cut into the base of the cliff.

Carmel rode at the head of the line as they moved into what constituted the center of town. He came to a halt, with Kodiak sidling up beside, and the two stopped to investigate their surroundings.

The town appeared eerily lifeless. Kodiak fingered his weapon.

“Hello?” Carmel called, his voice loud enough to bounce off the wall of rock. Only the river responded with it’s ambient rushing. “We hail from Ipswitch, we seek your hospitality!” He scanned the dwellings, looking for signs of life. Carmel exchanged another look with Kodiak, who drew his sword. Carmel followed suit, and the two dismounted.

“Mind my horse,” Carmel said as he handed the reins of his horse to Julia. Dolev already held Kodiak’s. “And don’t take off without me.”

Julia appeared incredulous, “Who do you think I am?” she scoffed.

Carmel didn't honestly know, but he left such thoughts unspoken.

“What do you think, start with the big one?” Carmel pointed at the nicest of the dwellings built on a rise of earth overlooking the river. Kodiak gave a nod and the two started to make their way over.

Kodiak threw one of his wild, manic grins over his shoulder at the women. “If you see anything, scream.” He laughed. Catching sight of Julia’s face sapped the joviality right out of him.

Horror widened her eyes, fear choked out her tongue, she pointed passed Carmel and Kodiak both, out by the river, and issued forth a scream.

(Continue to Ep.10)

(Episode Directory)

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