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Squib Ep.20 - Small Gestures

ButonflyDec 17, 2018, 10:25:07 AM

(Start at the beginning here)

Something moved above her. Bandana’s caught sight of the weedly little shape of a Bogger as it edged into position. It seemed in some distress, blinking and shaking its head from the brilliant flash that had exploded from the altar not moments before. Coiling its legs it leaped, but Bandana stepped aside swiftly. It hit the floor hard and rounded with bared teeth in her direction, growling like a feeble predator unconcerned by the superior size of its quarry. Bandana didn't give it much thought, instead she brought her boot up to kick it in the head and sent it flying across the room.

“Now, now, go now!” Squib called from beyond the altar then turned to run out the door.

Bandana didn't need to be told. As necessary as it was for her to fulfill this task she didn't want to be in the ruin any more than Squib did. Her previous encounter with the Boggers hadn't left a shining impression, and given the duress of this new encounter she had no question she wouldn't still be suffering the first. She scooped up the amulet as she darted past, the light from her torch blazing a fiery streak through the inky blackness that surrounded her, and made a break for the door.

Squib was already out of sight, forged on ahead seemingly with little care for Anna. The dozen or so Boggers in the chamber had descended to the floor and were now padding along angrily at Bandana’s heel. Her side burned, the throb of her broken ribs shooting straight to the forefront of her mind so that all other thought proved difficult. She might have cursed had she the coherence to settle on any one particular trouble to take exception with. All she could manage however, was a slack jaw with a wayward rivulet of dribble, both vastly more feasible in the current moment.

Despite the pain Bandana ran, surged forward on adrenaline. With a will that had always forced her, even forged her, she began to outpace the little Boggers. Though with them now on her trail she had no illusions of escape- not while in their layer.

“Squib!” Bandana called down the last long hall which she still remembered. Beyond that the path they’d traveled got hazy- any one turn might have been many, or none at all.

“Squib, where are you!” All concern for quiet was gone and her voice echoed and bounced along what might as well have been a million different halls in the depths of this dark and lonely place. Anna certainly felt alone, and the fact she was crying out for the companionship of a Goblin only helped cement the fact.

Hearing the faint mutterings of a familiar voice her mood brightened to know that Squib had not abandoned her. She came upon an intersection where a side hall disappeared into even more gloom. There she saw Squib, planted on his knees, striking at a flint with her knife. He looked up from his work only to glower and pass enough judgment to squash any hopeful feelings of kindness, “Stupid girl, going to get us killed!” He scolded letting his frustrations lay bare.

Squib growled and got to his feet, pulling Bandana into the narrow passage in which he was huddled. She investigated the objects he had laid out on the ground- two small candle-like packages, each with a short length of wick. Squib clicked his fingers, “Torch!” and took it from Anna without argument.

“What are you doing?” Bandana asked, itching to continue moving. Squib lit the wick of the first and tossed it down the corridor from where they came, then lit the second and set it where the wall met the floor.

“No more torch. You hold,” and Squib took Bandana’s hand and placed it on his ear. He threw the torch down the long length of corridor, away from the Boggers, and turned to flee.

“Hey wait!” Bandana squawked, alarmed as the shadows shrouded close to consume her.

“Run now!” Squib barked, grabbing her by the wrist and tugging her down the narrow hall.

There came a bang from behind that boxed Anna about the head. The ringing filled her mind as pressure built up behind her ears. She had to work her jaw to be sure she could still hear, trying to relieve the sensation with a pop that wouldn't come. The sudden rush of air that followed brought with it the smell of smoke, and behind them where the light still shone a thick plume engulfed the intersection.

Moments later a second explosion repeated the event only this time with less smoke, and instead a rumble that shook the hall. Tumbling, crashing stone drew the chaos of the event out, while bits of shrapnel plinked off the walls and pelted Bandana in the back.

Everything was black, blacker than black, and all Bandana had to comfort herself with, to remind herself she was still alive, was the sound of her own breath rasping through her ears, while Squib held tightly to her wrist.

The seconds grew to minutes, and the minutes folded into an endless expanse of time. Squib slowed as did Bandana, and the ruin returned to a semblance of its former quiet. Though now on the odd occasion, from distant halls, down unknown pathways, the echo of Boggers, angered red and chittering, were caught by the lobe of Bandana’s ear, and circled the depths of its drum.

She thought of reaching out, of speaking to her companion, only she had nothing to say, and no real reason except to temper the stifling sense of claustrophobia this underworld ruin harbored.

“Squib..” She spoke softly, the meaningless reaching out for meaning.

“Shh, quiet now, no more talk,” and Squib gave her wrist a squeeze, the back of her hand a pat, then left her with nothing to hold on to but the lengths of his ears.

Somehow, just somehow, that was enough.

(Continue to Ep.21)

(Episode Directory)

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