Julien Gabriels - romancier
auteur de 8 romans publiés à ce jour…
- Terre de raison
- Le califat d'Hélios
- Stratagème hors la loi
- Isotop 400, la rebelle
- Stratagème pour une énigme, 02/2016
- Acilie et la révoltion, 04/2016
- Poupée de marbre, 01/2017
- Destination Parallèle A, 10/2017
Been in Tech for about ¼ of a century.
Interested in behavioral sciences, evolution, and genetics.
Part-time vlogger.
Once upon a time was a mathematician, computer scientist, machine learning engineer, data scientist, and software engineer.
Retro (scale) special effects (SFX) maker & photographer.
More about me here: http://changelog.ca/
Hallo and welcome to my profil on Minds. I am a mountain- and nature fan, love to listen to classical music and i am a technical fan. I write here about all things what i think that can be interesting for you, and share it here with you. Young, thirst for knowledge and striving for new.