Những lời hay ý đẹp về cuộc sống ý nghĩa mà ai cũng nên đọc mỗi ngày là những câu nói hay về cuộc sống giúp cho mỗi người chúng ta thay đổi thái độ, suy nghĩ để cuộc sống này tốt đẹp và có ý nghĩa hơn.
Good words about meaningful life that everyone should read every day are good sentences about life that help each of us change our attitude, thinking to make life better and more meaningful.
News, analysis and opinions from the perspective of Classical Liberals, Libertarians, small c Conservatives and big C Conservatives.
Conservative is the new punk. Welcome to the counterculture.
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I post satire between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM (PST)
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I enjoy all things beautiful. With that said, there is way too much strife, turmoil, bad news, etc. in the world these days, therefore, instead of dwelling on those things all the time, take a few minutes each day to gaze upon the beauty of women to briefly take your minds - no pun intended - off these things for a little while.
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