I love to research, explore my natural environment, and create.
My goal for this channel is to help inspire others.
I am also interested in sharing art and other things that I find eye opening and spiritually engaging.
In my spare time, I substitute as a Backyard Tourist, and volunteer my services as a Freelance Know-It-All.
Creature of #nerdkind.
Breaker of rules
For all the investing offers, I do all my own stunts and my own investing. To all the grifters, crypto, or i make this much from home scammers, ill block you before you ever get a click or a follower sees it. Losers no one is buying your lies.
Mother, Author, Permaculture practitioner and Dancer, I follow anything that calls to my soul and meanwhile I write, write, write ♥
For more posts by me, check out my website, https://meilingcolorado.wixsite.com/meilingcolorado