Vidyagames Network

Freelance Media Specialist
I am no longer interested in awakening the masses. The masses made it clear that they are not interested. I am here to connect like minds and awaken those who WANT to learn.
Publisher; Political refugee. Detained without charge for the last seven years in violation of two UN rulings.
Previous channel: (locked out of it by Minds) Channel for animated stories and social and political commentary IT'S OK TO BE WHITE STAND YOUR GROUND "Zombienomicon", "Time Traveller" and the Mask of Time logo are each and all registered trademarks of Jonathan Nolan 2019 and following all rights reserved worldwide. EVERYTHING I POST IS OPINION. I BLOCK DOWNVOTERS. TIME TRAVELLER (R) -=- This website uses third party intellectual property. As a parody, review, commentary and reportage site, intellectual property is attributed or used with permission SAVE AND EXCEPT where the use is "Fair Use", "Parody", "Commentary", "Reasonable Use", altered to the extent that it becomes a "New Work" or under any other exception in law whether expressly claimed or not. Lack of express claim is due to onerousness of obligation and no intent to expropriate, appropriate or avoid licence is to be implied, imputed or claimed nor is any such implication, imputation or claim accepted in any way or form whatsoever by the owner of this blog. United Nations, Human Rights Charter, Article 19 states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” __
"Thank you every morning to wake up, I have a day to love" "Live not angry, do not sulk, do not complain Smiling with the challenge Live up to catch up tomorrow morning Live peace with the people living together. Life is dynamic but it is always moving Live is love but the heart is not in question Live peace of good name forever disdain Constant change between the life of the variable." Don't forget to visit my groups I Love Life - Photography & Art
I posts Blogs & Photos of all subjects here on MINDS. About me: Married; Father (of 3 children); Grandfather (of 3 boys); Retired (and enjoying retirement); Deplorable; Amateur Photographer (all posted photos are mine); and, ALL opinions are mine solely. "Truth is Hate to those who hate the truth." - (Unknown) Laugh, don't get mad. Make fun of the left and make them mad. Don't give a shit what the left calls you. Nothing makes them madder because it takes away one of their main weapons. Never ever apologize. Ignore the celebrities. They do and say crazy things just to attract attention. I'm not politically correct. In fact, I go out of my way to be politically incorrect. I'm here to encourage other deplorables and to cause snowflakes to meltdown. That's it.
👄Be Sexy Stay Classy👄
Jun 2015
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