
Channel dedicated to all veterans, past, present and future. Subscribe, Share, Support. Please follow our minds group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/803056603186888704
I am a an unapologetic Conservative Patriot who will not sit back, sit down, shut up or be silent while I watch my America be destroyed by totalitarian forces within her. I made a pledge to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic and our fight is now domestic. I'm Editor for https://NewsHawkNetwork.com I post many articles and videos here at Minds under my NewshawkNetwork group which y'all are welcome to post and comment. Please share, comment and donate to help support the new media. The legacy media lost their way long ago and compromised journalism for propaganda. https://NewsHawknetwork.com seeks to restore truth to news reporting. Follow me on Gab: https://gab.com/NHN
MindandMagick Fand page on Minds
I am no longer interested in awakening the masses. The masses made it clear that they are not interested. I am here to connect like minds and awaken those who WANT to learn.
Posting today's news and related spicy memes. Always open to discussion with liberals. Just come prepared. I am not a Russian bot My groups: Cord Cutters https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/937412695853502464/feed MAGA MEMES https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/895109050284937216/feed Breaking 911 https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/893991356679593984 Not Tired of Winning https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/886670852461461504 Drain the Swamp https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/885661075801632768
1.POYB 2.Website link⬇️ for great Articles http://stopcommunismusa.com/ 3.Who are we? And what does this website stand for? First and foremost, we are a Political organization! Fighting and exposing the leftist agenda! We stand against communism, Marxism,postmodernism,socialism and Political Correctness. We unequivocally support Freedom, Capitalism and America. We believe Leftists are attempting to dominate society and culture and because of our knowledge of history. This has taught us where this road ends Because of this we feel it is our duty to counter that narrative anyway we can. Whether that is with videos, Articles, on the ground Activism or Some Dank Memes, this is the platform for that fight. We are here to support activists and there organizations any way we can as long as we have the same ideals we will support you ! We are simply ordinary men and women who see what’s happening to our country and can not just sit idly by and watch it happen. We are STOP COMMUNISM IN AMERICA!
Enlightened Human People should be Steadfast to Jehovah and quasi-open-minded, have compassion and tolerance Creator of a comic, that respects classical physics Jehovah's Student on Minds https://gab.ai/Mariprofundus
Artist, Curator and Hemp Gardener.
Seeking Truth Current Events connected to Bible Prophecy End Times News Update @ www.youtube.com/u2bheavenbound
Mar 2018
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