A user by the parody name of Xylo Wobberts (well itsn't that precious? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpcwO3nWw16FP_7Wv1NjTog) has been harassing me both on YouTube and BitChute for about 6 months now and its come to a head. This fucking scumsucking idiot is relentless. He downvotes all my Youtube videos and recently revealed himself to be the one sjw jackass who reported my 'How To Be A Slave To THe Third Wave' video for 'copyright infringement'. This guy is despicable. He even went so far as tofollow me onto BitChute and set up TWO FUCKING ACCOUNTS just so he could downvote my shit twice. I know who he is. He's this untalented Satanic Illuminati noise artist Jonathan Hodges who makes this horribly shitty harsh noise 'music' (if you can call it that) under the alias Echo Lightwave Unspeakable (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8wxV0uozXj38bZJXpo5wJg). I prefer to call his act Echo Lightwave Unlistenable because its so unbelievably bad. I called him out in an older video about Illuminati posers in the Pittsburgh scene and it triggered him so bad that he has been harassing me non stop ever since. He apparently literally has nothing better to do than harass me. So much so he'll establish multiple accounts on multiple sites to do it. I think its pretty telling that I must've gotten his panties in a wad so much that he'll go to that level of work just to harass me. I am wondering what I should do about this situation or perhaps I should do nothing? THanks guys :)
Some of his noise stuff is passable now but that's not the point. The point is he's a horribly shitty SJW troll who can't stand a disagreement of opinion. This all started cuz I deleted him from Facebook over a year ago after he wouldn't stop harassing me and saying I was stupid for believing in God and the paranormal. He also would joke about 'sacrificing babies to Satan'. I called him out in a video (without naming him I might add) after we unfriended each other, to which he somehow found it, and ever since then he has been harassing me on YouTube/Bitchute and reporting some of my videos. He's an idiot. He can't debate ideas like a normal person, he has to insult, downvote, dox, and attempt to censor like a typical SJW.
You can help me fight back against this prick by subscribing to my YouTube (the main one he has been targeting) and my BitChute and liking as many of my videos as possible. I know what I do is not everyone's cup of tea, but its still quality work in my opinion and we should have each other's backs here. If some prick was doing this to you, you know I'd have your back. At some point, I may start posting exclusively to Minds, where he did actually followed but realized he was outnumbered by all my friends and fans here and backed off. I have had problems uploading videos to Minds though. Maybe at some point this will be corrected. Until then, to PooTube and BitChute I go. This is the latest vid he and his cronies mass downvoted with 8 downvotes, but he has done it to a lesser extent with pretty much every video I've made in the last year or so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjB2DRNXIgk&t=443s.
Personally I've decided to fight back by setting up a side parody channel called Echo GayWave Unlistenable where I will create parody videos under this character, though I may upload them to my regular channel as well. Its gonna be hiliarious: here's the intro to the channel: "Hi all my name is Jonathan Hobbits, but you can call me Echo GayWave Unlistenable. I'm a horrible half mustache wearing fat fuck SJW with no talent so naturally I spew up horrible harsh noise and call it art and report and censor people I disagree with and call it 'intellectual debate'. I am a joke and no woman will ever want to fuck me. This will be a channel dedicated to my 'art' lol and 'philosophical ideas' LAWLS. Hope you all enjoy!" Also I left some comments on both comments he said and on his Jonathan Hodges channel. Sorry there was a typo on the first one where a big space was accidentally added. The last one is under the parody name Echo Lightwave Unlistenable which I have changed to Echo GayWave Unlistenable. Here's some snapshots: