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Redpillapalooza: Interested In Bringing Bands and Commentators Together For Truther Fest/Tour

Xylen RobertsOct 10, 2019, 4:08:55 PM
*This is a re do of an old blog I accidentally deleted. Hopefully I can remember everyone who was interested and tag you below.

I am trying to pull a together a combined Truther Fest and Tour. By default the Festival will be held on my off grid property in West Virginia if need be, but also considering options for other spots. It just depends a lot on the suggestions of anyone we can get involved. This is very much a communal effort. The tour will take place across various spaces across mostly the East Coast, but possibly MidWest as well: house shows, dive bars, other off grid spots, anywhere that will have us. This is planned for Spring and/or Summer 2020. The goal is to bring together the redpill community together out from the Internet sphere and into the real world into a real community gathering. I am interested in getting as many bands/musical acts, political/Truther commentators, unpc comedians, and any other kind of talent involved as possible to be the talent for these events. If you think you have something to offer, please write below or contact me. 

Several bands, poets etc. are already interested in participating. All we need to make this a reality in Spring or Summer 2020 is a half dozen to a dozen houses, dive bars and off grid venues to allow us to play there. I'm thinking of doing both the tour and a mini festival sort of thing that'll be held on my off grid property in West Virginia. My parents and I will build a stage and everything. I live on a large field that could hold a decent amount of people. The show on my property will kick off the tour and the rest of the tour will take place in house shows, dive bars and other off grid spots. COME ON PEOPLE! GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSES FOR ONCE AND DO SOMETHING PRO ACTIVE! TAKE TO THE STREETS, OR IN THIS CASE, THE PERFORMANCE SPACES! Seriously who the fuck else is trying to do this shit??? It's time to take the redpill revolution from the fringes of the Interwebs to the public sphere!

Xylen Roberts 

@gmno @ToughTaco @MilotaisZvirbutilis @zedzone @Rubb @gangstermailsexy @ThePoetScribe @JaphyRyder @PirateRadioNetowrk @Shakara @FretzCapo @james_doodles 

A photo of the old blog before I accidentally deleted it. It had 120 likes. Let's surpass that with this one, folks!