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Making hummus at home with golden beets.

I discovered this recipe from Amy Cate Fitness channel:


so subscribe to her channel if you have youtube account :)

I didn't followed 100% of anything how Amy did: example I don't have such roasting oven she have, but I used just usual oven to bake beets.

Before I started making hummus I needed to get golden beets. In Europe, @ Tallinn city, where I live, it's not available in the markets near where I live. So I needed to travel about 20 miles to get them from wholesale warehouse. It would be horrible thing to do with public transport, what feels inside hot like sauna during warm summer day, but I use mountain bike and it was such a pleasure to ride there and back:)

Seems like cat who lives here having some interest too:

I cleaned 4 beets, chopped and put into oven:

I forgot to measure how much time baking beets took, when I'm baking I don't measure exact time but checking just food..

while I was baking beets I prepared other things needed:

✔ 2 cups of previously boiled chickpeas (those need to be soaked one night before boiling), you can use canned chickpeas, but I prefer home-boiled..

✔ 1 cup of water

✔ 1 Tbsp parsley

✔ 1/2 tsp cinnamon

✔ 1/2 tsp cardamom

before mixing, I let beets cool down little bit. And then I mixed it with hand blender. It was pretty tough thing to do for hand blender, but it luckily survived:

I tasted it and thought that it could be interesting to add salt. I'm maybe too salt-addicted but according to dr. John McDougall, MD and dr Garth Davis, MD it's ok to use salt to give food flavor.

I eat home made hummuses with handmade whole grain rye bread.

And here is what result looks like:

I keeped half of hummus to next day. And I think it tasted more delicious after staying one night in fridge. I suggest to add thyme to the top of sandwich too, this tasted really good: