We are always all the time reminded of the dangers of addictions and the specific things people can get addicted too, but why is no one focusing on the reason why people can get addicted.
Overall you see the media, politics and even parents focus on addiction X as the main source of the problems of society and/or their kids and this way attack the one's creating the service/product people can get addicted too.
Since the beginning of history there has always been gods, people, hobbies, products, race and other things to blame the problems on, so in that regard nothing changes.
But since people who are addicted to something often show behavior that stands out and since everything is easily being politicized. This will also be part of our future and being aware of this is important, especially when it concerns things that are in line with our biases and not to fall for it.
A person is 'only' addicted when he or she can not stop whatever it is they are doing, when they should. Nothing more, nothing less.
This means that even gamers who pay video games 40+ hours a week, but do not fail in their social, financial and work related obligations is still not addicted. If he or she can say no at any time when offered, there is no issue.
Someone not relevant to that person, should hold no value if such a person in addicted or not, just because they don't get the activity or the amount of time spend in that activity.
People overall when bothered by something, that when triggered most jump into something that in some form can get them away, can blind them from it or compensate by controlling another aspect of their lives.
Overall the vast majority of people are looking for escapism, so escaping from reality. So as soon as they are done doing their daily chores, personal problems, daily politics and struggles within their families, they like to do things that take them away from their daily routine and the harsh reality of life.
Another big part of people get overwhelmed the the vast amount of stimulus around us (especially in the big cities) and with us humans not optimally adapted to that, people tend to want to sedate their anxiety caused by their surroundings.
Then there are also the '(un)intentionally harm yourself' forms, or a in a way control your direct environment for a sense of control. So the feeling of control in a chaotic surrounding even when harming oneself can calm people down. Hence event hings like 'clean up your room, can help these anxious types of people.
Controlling others and/or other people's environments. Here people feel a strong urge to look for validation by doing things for others or trough others.
Escapism: Think of things like games, movies, anime comics, books and music can help people escape reality for short to long terms of time. Since the attention these things ask you will take your mind away from whatever is occupying you, you rather not think about that moment.
Sedating: Here you see a lot of people besides diving into escapism also choose for thing like drugs, alcohol or medicine (basically also drugs). It helps change peoples mood, their focus and can make them feel nice,
Controlling yourself and your direct surrounding: like cutting, tattooing, eating, buying things, collecting, nail biting, anorexia, piercing and even gambling(it falls a bit under escapism, yet also a sense of control of your destiny)
Controlling others and their surrounding: People who have not been able to achieve something they find valid for themselves, often try to then join a cause or a person who they can support to feel a sense of control. This goes from things like joining an environmental group up to joining a fanclub for product X.
By far most people who know someone who is addicted, it's only very rarely someone is surprised by that person having an addiction. These are often individuals who have been mentally not the strongest, kind of anxious all the time or have been under an enormous stress lately or had recently a very traumatic experience or never really gotten over an old one.
So if we want to help people with an addiction, mostly focusing on what it is they are addicted on and trying to keep them away from addicting things is a never ending quest. Also replacing one with the other 'even though called medicine' is no real solution.
I myself am no stranger to addiction even though it's been almost 17 years back (gambling) and have I allowed myself a lot of things people know can be addicting. But I have been baffled by parent being happy their kid stopped smoking weed, while now being on Ritalin(a form of amphetamine).
Understanding what is causing your anxiety and when you show signs of being anxious, is a tremendous help in your road containing your urge to do something that helps you let go of all that stress. Way more people do this on a subconscious level then people would first imagine and there is nothing wrong with that. But as long as we keep an eye out on if the release of that stress by doing X is still helping enough to continue and otherwise act to try and change what triggers us to go for that release is what we need to take our responsibility in or otherwise those who are responsible for us(when we are under aged.
Basically it's all about responsibility, learning people when to take it and accepting that there are those who can not which we need to help and reach that level of independence and only if that also did not seem to help take over.
But as soon as we need to take over of others, we need to be aware this was a loss on our part as a society and thus working hard to reduce the amount of people not being able to take responsibility should be our highest goal to strive for.
That same responsibility also extends to politicians and media not abusing addiction for they goals to gain votes or clicks and if they can't take that responsibility, then again it is up to us to hold them responsible.