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The Best Way To Learn More Is Teaching Others

Ufem ObasiJul 9, 2020, 6:40:31 AM

Being helpful to those you surpass is of great advantage to the upcoming and even you the teacher.

Actually is not everybody that has this habit of teaching but the truth is, it kills! Oh yea, it kills. As one is ageing and getting wiser daily, I later realised teaching someone else what you know, is the best way you can ever learn more. And you know why? It's because as you are teaching, you are also teaching yourself.

There are some things you will get to know while teaching, that even you yourself would be like wow! (Inside of you), you pause for some seconds, then you continue. Why the pause? Is either you thinking about something or you've discovered something.

Another advantage is that when you teaching, it would be very hard for you to forget that thing easily. It got stuck into your medulla till thy kingdom come.

How about if you are teaching people on many things? That means you gonna have lots of valuable things saved in your brain. No wonder people call some of the lecturers in the varsities a genius. Why won't they be? When they've taught for so many years and all what they've taught is in their brain already. I even know some that will never bring textbooks to lecture theatre but will disseminate great ideas to you in that course of yours. All these doesn't start by magic, it all started by teaching others what you know can benefit them.

How about if you have some potentials in you that has already helped you and yet, you don't want anyone to benefit, that's not cool you know? When i was an undergraduate, I remember of a lady that always took us tutorials then. Jeez! She was amazing. What amazed me about her? as good as she was, she never kept that only to herself but took maximum pleasure in disseminating what she knew to others, she didn't wanna keep that to her self because she wasn't comfortable with the idea that "I know it only".

Basically, I base my topic on general and not only on this community you should help. It might be outside Minds. All what I'm just saying here is you should try teaching others what you know will benefit them and that's when you also will know more and achieve more.

God bless!