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What to Expect from a Urogynecologist.

topwomenswellness3077Jan 5, 2019, 1:48:07 AM

From the name itself, a urogynecologist is a combination of the specialties of a urologist and a gynecologist, who deal with both the treatment and diagnosis of the urinary system and the female reproductive system. Basically, when it comes to urogynecologists, they care for women who suffer from pelvic and urology problems who can be called both a urologist or an OBGYN. To gain a better understanding of urogynecologists, this article will shed some light on the things that you can expect from these medical professionals.

A urogynecologist has expert knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynecology. In addition, these professionals have obtained training in the treatment and evaluation of conditions that affect the pelvic organs of female as well as the connective tissues and muscles that support these organs. To learn more about Urogynecologist, visit Femilift. With this kind of training, these professionals will be able to deal with gynecologic issues that are non-cancerous in nature and caused by menopause, childbirth, or aging through surgical and non-surgical treatment means. Urogynecologists have been found to treat conditions that affect one out of every four women. This number is more than the number of women who suffer from depression, diabetes, and hypertension.

Urogynecologists deal with a number of pelvic floor disorders but the most common being prolapse of the uterus, vagina, or bladder and fecal or urinary incontinence. Prolapse happens gradually where the female organs fall down their pelvic area. Incontinence is another condition that goes hand in hand with prolapse. Both of these conditions happen at the same time since damage to the pelvic floor is the usual culprit to them after a woman has given birth. Even if childbirth is most commonly associated with these conditions, there are also other causes leading to such events. For instance, women may suffer from incontinence or prolapse due to obesity, severe constipation, chronic coughing, and heavy lifting on a daily basis.

When dealing with these conditions, urogynecologists turn to pharmacological, surgical, or behavioral methods. Before opting for surgical methods, urogynecologists try to intervene in terms of the behavior of the person like modifying their diet and lifestyle. For more info on Urogynecologist, click Greater Houston Urogyn. A strict diet avoiding acidic food and beverages is what most urogynecologists will advise their patients who suffer from bladder disorders. If this intervention helps, then no other treatment will be done. Doing some pelvic muscle exercises is another advice pertaining to behavioral intervention that urogynecologists will tell you to prevent possible occurrence of incontinence.

If behavioral interventions fail, urogynecologists will turn to medications or pharmacological treatment. Surgery can also be another option that these urogynecologists will advise some of their patients. For women who suffer from certain conditions, urogynecologists will advise them to undergo laparoscopic pelvic surgery or stress and vaginal dryness treatment all depending on their current condition. Learn more from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urogynecology.