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Princes of the Stars

TodolomejorJan 7, 2023, 12:48:07 AM

Book 7 of the Starshatter series, Princes of the Stars, is nothing less than epic. So much ground is covered that it has taken me a while to marshal my thoughts and compose a review.

The book begins with a prologue. The crew is taking care of business, working together to clear up a nasty situation they were left with in book 6, before receiving a much deserved vacation.

Interestingly, Starshatter crew members don't vacation as we would. They each have interests, backgrounds, and motivations that lead them on adventures of their own. Each chapter tells the tale of one crew member's adventure. From Mars to Japan, each experience is unique.

Although Starshatter is a fictional world, Black Knight @Aragmar has done in-depth research and weaves history and speculative fiction into thought-provoking tales of growth and selfless giving.

When the crew comes together again in the 2nd half of the book, we can better understand why they make such a strong, cohesive team. We have come to love and admire them to such an extent that we feel as if we know them and couldn't bear for anything bad to happen to them. Thus, during their subsequent hardships and battles, we are vested in the outcome. We sit on the edge of our seats, hearts pounding, as our fictional friends risk all to fight evil and uphold the Terran way.

Cover art: @Lillyput

#bookreview #starshatter #books #blackknight