I am Lance Howard, creative content provider, musician, and author. I am here to share the journey with you on how we can improve our total success of the mind, body, and spirit, through intentional focus on identity and purpose. How we can remedy our lives to experience true self-assurance, happiness, and peace of mind. I believe can discover and express our unique power to overcome all adversity and reach our full potential. The Healing Voice is an invitation to discover the truth of who you are and rise stronger than ever. While I’ve done many things in my life and been awarded certain accolades that are deemed valuable, my purpose demands I not direct your attention to those things. It is a sad fact that in our culture we think a person can ONLY tell us anything worth hearing because of the plaques they hang on their walls or the authority their position gives them. It is my opinion that the “content of [our] character”, combined with the genuine story and journey of our lives, life-lessons, and especially our struggles, is what really determines our value for others. There are very “uneducated” people who hold more wisdom in the palm of their hand because of the collective sum of their experiences, character and purpose. These are things you can not learn in school, or from a book. These are elements no one can control but can discern, observe and learn from. We’ve all experienced the feeling of not knowing what to do next. How do we determine the correct path for our lives? In spite of all of our experiences, let-downs, heartbreaks, and failures, we are still here confronted with the hardship of knowing what to do with our lives. The Healing Voice is a place to share what it means to be totally-successful by cultivating a powerful sense of identity. Mission: I live to discover, understand and express the power of Music (goodwill, wisdom, inspiration, motivation) so I can help others reach their full potential. Motto: Live on Purpose, with Identity- Lead, Inspire, Heal
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I am Lance Howard, creative content provider, musician, and author. I am here to share the journey with you on how we can improve our total success of the mind, body, and spirit, through intentional focus on identity and purpose. How we can remedy our lives to experience true self-assurance, happiness, and peace of mind. I believe can discover and express our unique power to overcome all adversity and reach our full potential. The Healing Voice is an invitation to discover the truth of who you are and rise stronger than ever. While I’ve done many things in my life and been awarded certain accolades that are deemed valuable, my purpose demands I not direct your attention to those things. It is a sad fact that in our culture we think a person can ONLY tell us anything worth hearing because of the plaques they hang on their walls or the authority their position gives them. It is my opinion that the “content of [our] character”, combined with the genuine story and journey of our lives, life-lessons, and especially our struggles, is what really determines our value for others. There are very “uneducated” people who hold more wisdom in the palm of their hand because of the collective sum of their experiences, character and purpose. These are things you can not learn in school, or from a book. These are elements no one can control but can discern, observe and learn from. We’ve all experienced the feeling of not knowing what to do next. How do we determine the correct path for our lives? In spite of all of our experiences, let-downs, heartbreaks, and failures, we are still here confronted with the hardship of knowing what to do with our lives. The Healing Voice is a place to share what it means to be totally-successful by cultivating a powerful sense of identity. Mission: I live to discover, understand and express the power of Music (goodwill, wisdom, inspiration, motivation) so I can help others reach their full potential. Motto: Live on Purpose, with Identity- Lead, Inspire, Heal