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Starseed Experience (Specific Trait/Property)

SophieJun 13, 2022, 7:03:32 AM

This is an article that describes and lists some of the most common and unusual traits and characteristics of a Starseed* (A Starseed is a physical, living and reincarnating human being on Earth, however, spiritual. their souls have no origin on this planet).

While this information can be used to determine if you are a starseed yourself, it also explains some of the unique experiences and personality quirks that are often shared among people. starseed individuals.

The list describes the common physical symptoms and signs of starseeds as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that are part of starseeds and their outlook on life.

If you or someone you know is a starseed, they are likely to feel resonance and connection with most of the qualities and experiences listed here.

As always, no external listing, label or definition can 100% accurately describe starseed experiences and experiences; everyone has to look within themselves and really remember what they really know.

Find what works for you and trust your heart with the answers you seek.

General characteristics and personality

A Starseed always has a deep sense of difference from others.

Of course, everyone is unique and different from others in one way or another, but for starseeds, this feeling begins very early on and stays with them throughout adulthood. There may be no external cause responsible for this feeling and many of them lead relatively normal childhood and/or adult lives (although they will tend to have some unusual experiences). .

Many will consider these individuals to be a bit odd or eccentric, even as these starseeds try to act “normal” or try to fit in. A starseed always knows they're "different," even if they don't quite know why, and even if they try to "fake it," they won't be content to pretend to be anyone but themselves.

A starseed may find themselves extremely sensitive and may have a naturally developed sixth sense; Most are empaths.

Having “empathy” means that they have the ability to feel or perceive the emotions and sometimes even the “thought vibrations” of others, especially those closest to them. If they're not aware of the source of these emotions and energies, it could be their own emotions, which they empathize with.

Highly empathic starseeds can be easily swayed by energy. This makes learning techniques to be firm and shielded so they don't absorb the feelings of others and make it their own. The empathic ability of starseeds (or anyone with this ability) can become a real problem if one is constantly attacked by the energies of others, especially negative ones. This can lead to their energy being depleted more and more over time.

This is why many starseeds are more comfortable alone in their own space and tend to feel overwhelmed when surrounded by small groups (familiar people) let alone other people. large group of strangers.

Although there are also starseeds who feel better in large crowds (such as during an event), because in this way they feel they can “fit in better”.

Many starseeds who journey through life feel alienated from others, and despite being part of small groups, they often feel disconnected from others or feel out of place in some way. Their minds are always spinning and busy with thoughts, and sometimes they feel anxious and even bored.

Starseeds have a tendency to "think about what other people are thinking" and this stream of thoughts can sometimes reveal a strong psychic ability. Sometimes Starseeds just like to observe others out of curiosity instead of wanting to interact or be targeted. Even people who are more social and extroverted will still resonate with some of these qualities and experiences to an extent.

Often starseeds feel they don't have much in common with many others and sometimes can't understand why people "do what they do" and "like what they like".

They tend to feel better and lighter around people with higher vibrations who have a greater sense of enlightenment because these people seem to "get it" while others else no one seems to understand what it is.

In some situations when interacting with other people, a starseed may find themselves suddenly "changing the shape of their energy" to accommodate others, so that they can "play with" or understand an individual. multiply at a deeper level. This unusual experience is hard to describe, but many starseeds can recognize it. In them, there is always the desire and need to escape from the hustle and bustle of life and escape from the "ordinary people" around.

Starseeds often prefer to be alone, not because of the feeling of boredom but because of the sense of freedom and the feeling that they are in their comfort zone. They tend to be helpful and enjoy meeting people who share their spiritual interests. They enjoy deep, meaningful conversations and can get bored with innocuous or shallow chatter.

A common phenomenon among starseeds is regularly seeing 11:11 or other repeating numbers appear on the clock, or appear in other unexpected places. There is also a feeling or sensation that accompanies these synchronicities.

Children and adult Starseed

Starseeds tend to be shy and more introverted as children. They tend to be creative and imaginative on many levels. They can spend hours just thinking and pondering in their minds, and “playing in their own fictional worlds”. Many people would rather spend time with themselves, nature and animals than playing with other children. This could be because they feel different from others in some way or they feel like they can't connect with other children.

Many starseed children tend to be more comfortable around adults and are often seen as more mature for their age. Even so, many starseed children grow up feeling misunderstood and may carry a heavy burden of sadness in their hearts for reasons they usually don't understand.

Starseed children sometimes go through periods of hyperactivity and if that is accompanied by any antisocial behavior they are usually diagnosed with ADD or autism in extreme cases. group. Later in life, they can often be diagnosed with bi-polar disorder due to dramatic emotional changes, but most of these characteristics are due to the starseed's sensitivity to the world. surroundings and empathy as mentioned earlier.

Because starseed kids tend to be highly intelligent with an inquisitive mind, even when they get bad grades or don't do well in school. Starseed children are attracted to many things and may soon show an interest in various subjects such as art, music, science, history, geography, languages, writing or sometimes poetry. 

If a subject is not of interest to a starseed child, or if they perceive the information as useless or trivial to some degree, they may be inclined to ignore it. and absorb only what excites their passion and curiosity, often acquiring knowledge and even studying various subjects on their own.

Starseed children often have an "imaginary friend".

Now, many kids have imaginary friends as children, but for starseed kids there's often something unusual surrounding that experience. Starseed babies can often create imaginary worlds to explore in their minds.

This is typical of all children to some extent, but even as adults, starseeds are still capable of visualizing and contemplating the most astonishing things.

These images and insights are often very vivid.

Mental journeys and daydreams tend to go beyond the stereotypes of Earth and often feel very real. Starseed children often feel more comfortable interacting with animals, nature, plants and inanimate objects such as stuffed animals, or toys when they are very young; some may feel or feel as if these things are “conscious” and can understand them.

It is the 'energy' of these beings and objects that starseeds can sense, but with animals and humans it can be early signs of empathic or telepathic abilities. .

Many starseed children, including adults, often like specific creatures like cats, wildcats, birds like owls, eagles, even "reptiles". In general, starseed babies have a deep connection, love and respect for nature and animals.

They feel comfortable and energetic when outdoors in a natural setting and with animals there is always a deep understanding and compassion for them. Most feel attracted to water and swimming because it can be very good for healing, healing and soothing wounds.

It is their sensitive, compassionate, and empathetic nature that often inspires starseed children to develop an interest in different forms of healing. Many of them will go on to develop these healing abilities as they grow up or enter healing-related professions.

In fact, starseeds often start questioning “what is REAL” at a very young age. They often reflect or ask fairly serious questions, have a healthy and genuine curiosity about the people around them and the world at large. They can wonder about everything and always want to know “why” something is the way it is.

Starseed children can even ponder deeply on the deepest questions related to reality and delve into concepts like Reincarnation and Life after Death.

Starseeds may have unusual childhood experiences that they tend to never forget. Starseeds also have memories of some unique or emotional dreams, some of which even feel very "real", like they are "memories" rather than "ordinary dreams".

Many starseeds recall having had a profound or unusual experience between the ages of 5-11, possibly involving UFOs, aliens or the stars, while others may experience experiences more mystical experiences with ghosts or nonphysical figures.

Please note that most of the characteristics and salient traits of Starseeds will have much in common with the Indigo and Lightworkers group.

All these groups share a common purpose on this planet. Many Indigo children are actually starseed children, but not all Indigo are star spirits seeded on Earth. Starseed children have a lot in common with Indigo children, such as their empathetic and introverted natures, but tend to carry these specific traits better into adulthood.

Lightworkers are simply individuals who have consciously chosen to walk the spiritual path, raising their vibrations, and helping to spread love and light into the world to aid in the ascension process. .

Anyone, including Starseeds and Indigos, can be Lightworkers.

Starseeds Physical Signs and Symptoms

Starseeds are usually sensitive to what's too hot or too cold (most don't tolerate cold well).

They do not tolerate extreme cold and prefer warmer/even hotter weather, or some of them may be more comfortable in cold weather and cannot tolerate extreme heat.

They have a high tolerance for pain (or sometimes quite the opposite – some are extremely sensitive to pain for some reason). Many starseeds have a high immunity to many viruses that can affect others easily. When they get sick (this happens infrequently) – they are usually able to recover more quickly.

Many people have strong bodies (regardless of their body type) and it is not uncommon for a starseed to have never broken a bone in their lifetime.

They usually recover very quickly from any sprain or injury on the body. Even with a weak appearance, starseeds can still possess a lot of physical strength and even mental strength at the right time.

One strange symptom of starseeds is that they tend to bruise easily and often can't remember a collision or why they got those bruises.

They may have a prominent birthmark or mole somewhere on their body. Sometimes a few birthmarks or freckles have an irregular shape or even create an unusual shape, design or pattern.

Many starseeds have an aversion to bright or unnatural light.

Starseeds find peace and solace in the natural sunlight. They tend to be attached to nature and many people love trees, especially willows, for a number of reasons. Many starseeds feel closer when surrounded by plants and animals than with other humans.

Many people have acute hearing (extreme hearing) or have above-average hearing.

They can be extremely sensitive to loud sounds and noises, or chaotic sounds can make them extremely uncomfortable. It is not uncommon for many starseeds to hear high frequencies or strange or unusual sounds in one of their ears. This usually occurs during a period of rapid soul development and can even be accompanied by head pressure, tingling, or other sensations that seem unusual anywhere on the body.

These physical experiences can be irregular and last for a period of days or weeks, after which they will suddenly disappear.

A common physical trait found in starseeds is that they have blond hair or any color but will always have a red sheen. Eyes can vary in color but many people will have eyes that are unusual or strange, in shape, color, or usually in intensity/intensity. The eyes of starseeds can be large and bright, or have a unique glint inside. In childhood, this can be even more intense and pronounced.

Many starseeds are usually very sensitive to alcohol, drugs and especially any drug, while others have a very high tolerance to these things.

All such physical inclinations can vary from person to person and can fluctuate over time. This is true for most people but starseeds tend to be at a higher risk and should try to avoid falling into the escapism that involves abusing any substance (or abusing anything). ) to deal with reality or deal with pain.

This can blur starseed vision and impede their progress, but if it happens early in life, it can often lead to life-changing insight and experience. , paving the way for their later awakening. The more awakened a starseed is, the less they rely on, desire, or even tolerate certain chemicals.

Most will then go on to make more conscious and positive decisions about their health in general.

Most starseeds from a young age are night owls and prefer to stay up late than the average person. There is a peaceful feeling of solitude and clarity/clearness that starseeds usually feel around night time. People who go to bed earlier may find themselves waking up suddenly, for no reason at all, and often around 3am.

Many people have unusual sleep habits or find that they may sleep less than the average person, but there are still periods when they may feel extremely tired and need more sleep than usual.

This is a list that describes the typical traits and distinctive personality traits of starseeds. You can use this information as a general guide to help identify yourself or someone as an extraterrestrial spirit.

While there is no single list that can definitively or completely describe whether someone is a starseed or not, if you feel a lot of connection or resonance with much of what is listed, listed above is a positive sign that you may be in the process of awakening to your origin and purpose.

Always trust your intuition and your heart.

Dreams and Visions of Starseeds

Many starseeds have dreams and visions that are rendered as dreams but have more content and feel more "real". It's like a movie plays in their mind and they can be themselves or even other characters in their dreams, completely with their thoughts and feelings. It feels as if they are recalling a memory or projecting a future event.

Dreams, even visions, may include fragmentary memories of people, places, or events that seem familiar to them but they have never met in person. Usually these dreams or visions are really obvious or unfolding about their clairvoyance.

Some people describe it as a feeling of "remembering the future".

 Many people have both experienced dreams in which they themselves fly and may have had some “out of body experience” in their lives. Many people are likely to have lucid dreams or have experienced astral projections.

Starseeds often experience feelings of “time lack” or cycles when time seems to slow down or speed up significantly. Although this is an experience that is happening to most people at this time on the planet as our perception of reality and time is changing and consciousness is expanding.

Starseeds Traits and Traits – Exploring the Heart and Mind of a Starseed

Starseeds often feel that they may have a special purpose or role in their lives. They often have a desire to “heal, heal, or save the world” as they consider a wide variety of issues. Some have a desire to "speak out on many problems" in society and the planet or have an "Aquarius ideal" (and many have the Aquarius astrological sign) – feeling that they have solutions. unique or out of the ordinary for these issues – and will often do so.

Although starseeds sometimes feel alienated from others and society at large, and often find human behavior confusing and illogical, they are still able to sympathize with humanity and have a sense of unity with them.

Starseeds often experience synchronicity in their lives, especially during times of transition or spiritual growth, during times of extreme high or low energy. Seeing the 11:11 repeat on clocks or other repeats everywhere in the least unexpected unusual ways is also a fairly common phenomenon. These experiences can help trigger starseeds to awaken more fully by paying more attention to how the inner world connects to the outer world.

On a subconscious level, starseeds often feel that “something – about to happen – on the planet and big changes will happen soon”. It is the feeling that something is accelerating or approaching a climax. This tends to be part of a starseed mission when reincarnating on Earth.

In these times of great change, they feel that they may somehow be playing a role, even if this just means:

  • Gather information about several areas
  • Raise their personal vibrations and the vibrations of others

This, at the right time, can have a powerful general effect on the entire planet. Eventually, the starseeds became more fully conscious of their purpose and were able to sense the energy waves and shifting consciousnesses currently taking place on Earth.

Some starseeds may have a strong aversion to jokes or mentions of sex, race, or bad language in general. Words give off vibrations and often starseeds can sense this and they can feel uncomfortable around people who constantly use negative or obscene language, even if it's just joking though.

Most starseeds are extremely intelligent and may have above-average IQs. Even at a young age, they can be very eager to learn and enjoy games that involve puzzles, mysteries and whatever. Many people have a knack for thinking both analytically and in detail but can also understand abstract concepts and appreciate beauty and art.

Many starseeds grew up with a particular interest in music and art, and often enjoy writing and drawing, or any form of artistic or creative expression. Most of them are avid readers even at a young age.

Even at a very young age, starseeds can be avid readers, absorbing knowledge in any form of material, from fantasy novels to self-help and informational books. non-fiction news. They love to learn and gain knowledge on a variety of topics, which makes them “staff in all professions but not experts in any”. This is simply because starseeds have a wide variety of unique interests that fascinate them. They have the ability to absorb information quickly, are quick readers and have the ability to store, organize and organize information in their heads very well.

Starseed tends to be averse to trivial jobs or jobs that have no way out or lack openness and creativity. They don't like working for others and want to be their own boss. This does not mean that they are lazy or don't like to work, but simply that they want to be paid for doing something they love or put all their heart into the areas where they have talent, can do. being independent or making a difference.

The Hobbies and Inner Nature of Starseeds

Even at a young age, starseeds had natural desires and even the ability to heal. This is partly due to their empathetic nature but also because of their sincere desire to help others. They may have intuition about what needs to be balanced inside someone or even a situation in order to achieve wholeness and happiness.

They can often perceive the pain of others as their own. This desire to help and heal naturally often attracts them to healing methods and even unconventional methods of healing. They may also be interested in natural or transformative healing practices such as the use of herbs, crystals, reiki, etc. Many are involved in healing-related professions and even fields. related to consulting.

A large number of starseeds are particularly fond of indigo and purple, blue, and green, especially lighter and softer colors such as sky blue, teal and floral. lavender. 

Starseeds feel attracted and drawn to the energy and vibrations of nature, natural weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, lightning, waterfalls and ocean waves. All of this is about energy and these particular phenomena have higher frequencies or faster oscillating energies. There are some powerful energies and colors in nature that even carry particular vibrations and energetic impressions that can be felt by starseeds.

They have an “inner KNOW” to do the “right” even without being taught these things. Starseeds often have strong intuition or some psychic abilities that are sometimes not known because they have these abilities since childhood and they have become a part of their daily experience.

They tend to have prophetic dreams or visions that will later come true. Sometimes these dreams and visions are not always literal or direct, they sometimes appear in symbolic or metaphorical form.

Most (if not all) starseeds are strongly attracted to space, enjoy observing stars, planets, moons, etc., and feel a "call" within or connected to the Universe. pillar. They often feel a deep longing, wanting to "leave and come home", but they don't know what home is or where. Sometimes they feel like strangers in a foreign land.

In general, starseeds tend to be strongly attracted to or interested in scientific fields such as:

  • astronomy
  • Quantum physics
  • Biological
  • Chemistry
  • Archeology
  • Psychology

They may also be interested in,

  • Philosophy
  • Metaphysics

And of course various topics related to,

  • Paranormal
  • Mystery
  • New Age
  • Spirituality
  • Esotericism
  • Mysticism

Whatever spiritual or religious beliefs (or the like) a starseed has and no matter what they were taught to believe as children about any spiritual or religious concept, within them there is always a discerning perception, a knowledge or belief that there is an 'almighty entity' or 'Source', or that there is a creative spectrum force or a unified energetic presence that all are all part of the whole. Starseeds can sense this unity in nature and when around other conscious souls.

Their attraction to the Universe allows them to see the “bigger picture” and they explore concepts deeply in their minds from an early age. They understand on a deeper level that there is an 'non-physical' reality beyond what we can only see through our five physical senses.

Starseeds tend to want to find the missing elements of spiritual teachings that are not found in religion. They can see or look for similarities in different religious and spiritual teachings, and look for underlying principles and unity with them. This has resulted in many people not conforming to a particular religion or set of spiritual beliefs, and instead exploring a variety of philosophies ranging from Eastern philosophy to Western esoteric teachings. west.

Starseeds can feel drawn to a variety of ancient symbols and have an intuitive understanding of what they mean and what they represent. They are attracted to these symbols often by a strange feeling they have inside, that feeling is like "knowing or remembering" the meaning that these symbols signify energetically though. for what the icon is being used for.

Most starseeds are drawn to the mystical side of life and nature, feeling drawn to ancient cultures, sacred sites, and monuments like Stonehenge and pyramids.

Many people experience a regurgitation of memories and a sense of familiarity associated with certain civilizations or ancient periods such as Atlantis or Lemuria; Many people feel or recall memories of a past life during that time.

Starseed Awakening

If you can feel connected to most of these traits and characteristics, feelings and experiences, then you are most likely a starseed. If you don't feel connected, it doesn't mean you're not a starseed, but either way, each individual has an important role to play during this time on Earth and can all help in the making. marks the beginning of a new era.

If you resonate with or experience all of these traits then you may be a fully awakened starseed.

Remember that “there is no single list of characteristics, properties or 'symptoms' that can adequately describe an individual, to be able to determine with certainty whether they are a starseed or not. Many of the traits and experiences listed here could describe anyone from any period of life, but sharing most of these traits and resonating with the concept of starseeds is at the same time experiencing them. through the “gut feelings” about this can be taken as a strong signal.

However, it is also not something to run around and share with everyone because many people (even unawakened starseeds) – may not understand such concepts and may simply think 'you're weird' (of course – starseeds are inherently weird).

Being a starseed is often something that you will KNOW only on a deep level within yourself, your own personal experiences and inner guidance will answer this truth for itself.

Whether you are in the process of awakening or fully awake,

continue your inner spiritual practices

keep opening your mind and heart,

….and whatever unexpected circumstances may arise in your life, especially when you may be drowning in depression, feeling alone or misunderstood – NEVER FORGET YOU BE WHO….