The Baigong pipeline is one of the great mysteries of the ancient world. They were found inside a heavily eroded pyramid located on top of Mount Baigong in Qinghai province, northwest China.
This collapsed pyramid once had three triangular entrances on three of its sides, but over time two of them have collapsed and are now inaccessible.
Remnants of iron and unusually shaped rocks protrude from the surface, suggesting that the site was inhabited long before that. The only remaining cave (entrance) has an intricate network of metal pipes, up to 0.45m in diameter. Accordingly, there are dozens of such pipes running straight up the mountain, but where they lead, no one knows.
Some archaeologists who have visited the site have speculated that pipes may have once supplied water to the pyramid. This theory seems to be supported by numerous strange tubes found on the shores of nearby Lake Toson. They also come in a variety of lengths and diameters, some rising above the water, others buried below.
Intrigued by these lost artifacts, the Beijing Institute of Geology analyzed the Baigong pipes using a technique called thermoluminescence. This method allows them to determine when the pipes were last subjected to high temperatures. Analysis shows that these pipes must have been manufactured 150,000 years ago.
And the mystery is deeper. Analysis conducted at a smelter run by the Chinese government failed to determine the exact composition of the pipes. Although the pipes are composed of iron oxide, silicon oxide, and calcium oxide, they also contain 8% of unidentified material.
And until now, there is still no way to explain what the mysterious material is. According to previous studies, the presence of humans in this area only started 30,000 years ago, but they mainly lived in nomadic tribes.
Accordingly, it is completely impossible to form a primitive society that can build such sophisticated structures.
Accordingly, various theories have been put forward to try to explain who might have built these pipes and what they could be used for. One of the theories is that this is the remnant of advanced civilization in the past that has been forgotten. They may have built some mysterious facility and need a source of water for cooling, and the Baigong pipes are responsible for bringing water from the nearby lake to serve this requirement.
However, it is interesting that the north of Baigong Mountain has two twin lakes, one containing fresh water and the other containing salt water. But there are no pipes around the freshwater lake, instead, all the pipes are located on the south shore of the saltwater lake, with a height of 50 to 60 meters. Why did this ancient civilization need salt water, or more specifically, salt water?
The answer is most likely electrolysis. When an electric current passes through salt water, it breaks down the structure of the water into hydrogen and oxygen. These components are a very necessary fuel source for the operation of modern high-performance engines, especially aircraft, jet engines... Therefore, many people have assumed that the real owner of these pipelines may be a special civilization, a civilization may not be man-made.
However, there is another theory that may make it easier for us to accept, this theory that the Baigong pipes are actually fossilized tree roots. Xinmin Weekly reported in 2003 that scientists had found plant matter during an analysis of the pipes, and also found what looked like wood grain rings inside some of the pipes.
This hypothesis is linked to an earlier geological study that suggested that at certain temperatures and under certain chemical conditions plant roots can undergo degradation (turning soil into rock) and Other processes can produce iron.
However, it remains unclear how well this theory is supported in relation to the Baigong pipelines. The reality is that these are just theories that try to explain something that is still beyond our understanding and try to make it simpler and more acceptable. However. one thing is for sure until history is rewritten, anomalous artifacts like the Baigong pipe will certainly have no place in the mainstream textbooks of mankind.