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My response to allegations that I am transphobic and anti Semitic. TL:DR I am not.

SVPhillimoreJan 31, 2021, 11:12:47 AM



January 31st 2021


Dear Mr Paisley

I am not an anti Semite and I am not a transphobe. I have not been suspended from ‘multiple platforms’ for either offence. 

The tweets leading up to my suspension from Twitter are set out below. 

I was suspended on January 25th 2021. This tweet was cited. 

"I have a pretty good idea I know exactly who Frank is. One of his group was convicted for harassing me. I just have to be patient and they will author their own misfortune soon enough'. 

Prior to being suspended permanently, I received 2 12 hour suspensions for similarly innocuous comments. One of these was also involving 'Frank' and used male pronouns. The only thing I think I can have been guilty of is 'misgendering'. 

Jan 14th – 12 hour suspension for tweeting “O I am sure he will. I usually get at least one amusing complaint every few months” (in reply to ‘Frank’)

Jan 15th – 12 hour suspension for tweeting "You Whore of Babylon! Put those tempting limbs away! Lest I am overcome. #wheresmysandwich”. (appears not to be in reply to anyone).

I was NOT suspended for 'anti Semitism'. I have no idea what I was suspended for, other than perhaps misgendering, so I have appealed against my suspension on that basis. 

Twitter emailed me on January 28th 2021 to say that they had reviewed my suspension, had made a mistake and my account would be restored. As of today’s date (January 31st) I remain suspended and have emailed in reply to ask for clarification. 

A report was made to the Wiltshire police in December 2019 alleging I had been 'hateful' to religious and transgender people. I deny both accusations and have issued application in judicial review against the College of Policing. The tweets in question can be seen by clicking the link in this post from the Fair Cop blog. https://www.faircop.org.uk/case-studies/sarah-phillimore/

I have denied in my statement to the High Court that I am an anti Semite or any kind of racist. I have provided a statement from a Jewish friend of 30 years standing who confirms our friendship could not have endured if I was. 

I am disgusted and very angry that these false accusations are made purely to attempt to damage my reputation and apparently the reputation of Ms Joanna Cherry QC. 

These accusations are likely to cause serious harm to my reputation and I write requesting that you delete any such reference to me on your social media accounts and undertake not to repeat them. I have emailed Ms Blackman in similar terms and asked for her response by 5th February. 

If you do not agree to retract your allegations by that date and to never repeat them, I am referring this matter to my solicitors with a view to issuing proceedings against you. I set out below the archived links on which I will rely in any court action. 








Archived Defamation links 


Scotsman Article, amended on 30th January after my email 



David Paisley Tweets

26th Jan https://archive.is/8GlQb

27th Jan 85 likes https://archive.is/lXZnW

27th Jan – claims my account suspended in December for a tweet about the Holocaust. This is not true. https://archive.is/PUrDH


Blackman Tweets

Jan 26th https://archive.is/GmfgJ