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Covid-19 made in a Lab? Ask Gilead and Baric.

MacKenzieOct 11, 2020, 8:04:02 PM

The question of the novel coronavirus’ origins is easy to answer: what is its first known scientific identification? What is the first citation with a modicum of attributes characterizing its structure, and what is the date of these observations?

Sophisticated bioinformatic modeling of corona’s possible evolutionary history is  completely irrelevant without such information, and “expert opinion,” is hopeless hokum. A citation and a description are all that is relevant.

The raison d’etre of all ambitious scientists is to be the first to discover something, a new planet, particle, plant, bug, virus, or the geometry of the spec of dust. Every PhD on the planet dreams of lead authorship on a Nature published article describing the DNA, RNA, physiology, or habits of this or that previously unknown amoeba, bacillus, or novel chemical polymer, with the reward being a Nobel prize and getting a crater, or a creepy-crawly to carry one’s surname.

In 2015 American scientists predominantly from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, working together with colleagues from Harvard and Wuhan, the American FDA, and the American biopharmacy giant Gilead Sciences manipulated what appears to be the current coronavirus. They published their findings in 2015 paper. No work prior to this paper, documents the current novel coronavirus with its tell-tale furin driven HIV orthologs.

Unless evidence to the contrary emerges, it becomes a fact that the “discovery” of the virus which causes Covid-19 is attributable to this group of researchers.

Ralph S. Baric was one of the co-authors of the paper in which he describes without any inhibition how he took what appears to be a natural strain of a bat virus, and altered its properties with HIV strains.

Currently Baric’s namesake laboratory known as “Baric Lab” claims direct responsibility for the development of Gilead’s Redemsvir anti-Corona drug (via Timothy Sheahan) based on a collaboration which began in 2015 between Gilead and Baric, when Baric’s team not only created the virus, but spoke of its possible jump from bats to humans, and a year later in 2016 warned of the inevitable danger the new viral strain posed to humans.

Since the publication of the original 2015 article, Baric had been collaborating with Gilead Science on all his coronavirus research.

The bat virus which Baric had manipulated in his team’s 2015 work,  was provided by a team of Chinese scientists which claimed its discovery in a 2013 Nature article.  All were employees of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases in Wuhan, China, and their  original coronavirus strain appears to have lacked the dangerous HIV derived molecules which make the current virus so dangerous, and which only appear in Baric’s 2015 work.

Baric’s article admitted that “We generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus,” making it the mutant that is ravaging  the nerves and fragile psyches of the planet.

Baric’s original 2015 paper openly boasts of Baric’s use of a cultured “HIV-based pseudovirus” in manipulating the original Wuhan strain, further reinforcing that Baric’s 2015 work was the first public identification of the current novel coronavirus.

As one internet savant has noted on the question of Baric’s role in creating the novel coronavirus, what are the chances that nature waited 4 million years of evolution to catch up with something made in a laboratory four years ago?

Until scientist, experts or authorities can demonstrate that the current strain of the novel coronavirus was identified previous to Baric’s 2015 manipulation, which involved the introduction of furin cleavage sites on HIV ortholog glycoprotein added to a then novel strain of the coronavirus,  there is not a shred of evidence that the  novel coronavirus in its present infectious form emerged naturally, following the laws of evolution, from a host population of bats, or intermediary vector species.

As such, some of its complexity and unpredictable behaviors fall into the domain of artificial selection, with which humanity has little experience in the epidemiological domain.

Corona’s pathogenicity remains baffling and incomprehensible, while understanding people’s immune reactions is in its infancy. No government bothered with serological testing of asymptomatics and the under-30s. As antibodies are not required to gain immunity to the virus the only possible measure of herd immunity would have been randomized sample population testing from onset of pandemic.

Not a single government performed such commonsense tests, and as a result countries enforcing lock-downs and mask wearing are in for a nasty surprise. Without population-wide natural virulation they are stuck with policies which exacerbate Covid’s virulance, and will result in increased mortality once they can no longer be maintained, joined by a question no one (!) has asked about the relationship between treatment and immunity. Do various antivarals, anti-influenza, and assorted medicines prevent, improve, increase, or block patient immunity? Does early chloroquine treatment preempt it? Does it facilitate its emergence?

A vicious media spreading fear and hysteria is hurting everyone’s morale. Confined to closed spaces, devoid of natural socialization, faced with repressive police measures from frustrated, stressed, and off-their-leash police forces, people’s immune systems are faltering in ways that weaken, rather than strengthen our inevitable need to submit to a virus from which hiding is a mere deferral.

The withdrawal of many doctors from face-to-face consultation, often explained by the age of practitioners, means that for the first time in history victims of various diseases, including influenza, pneumonia, and covid-19 are left to fend for themselves, unless reaching a critical state by which time a trip to the hospital is tantamount to an all expense paid visit to a morgue is considered “proper” medical treatment.

The cowardice of doctors outside of hospital practice (from which many would also flee if they could), along with politicians whose policies exacerbate this cowardice throughout both professional and general populations, is sufficient to explain the massive divergence in fatalities between countries like Germany, where private doctors remain accessible to the general public and see their patients face to face, and shit-holes like France, where the Benguiguis and Tobuls (common surnames of doctors in Paris) have fled to their country residences. America’s MD’s have reacted in both the German and French manner, to which the country’s patchy results with battling Covid-19 are a testament.

The lingering symptoms of Covid-19 after hospital discharge, also point to artificial, rather than natural selection. Cases of post-discharge deaths, where swab tests were corona-negative, are the result of poorly tailored treatment while in hospital, while others derive from permanent damage caused by Covid-19.

In Asia, where some cases of re-admittance for Covid-19 have occurred, the picture of potential reinfection is blurred by the inconsistency of testing protocols, noting that nasopharyngeal samples are the first to show absence of Covid-19,  while blood and fecal demonstrate its persistance. Corona lasts longest in the bowels and fecal mater, but it may be biologically inactive there. Readmission most likely doesn’t indicate re-infection, but inconsistency in testing technique,  and the possible incurrability of symptoms, many of which may be incidentally related to Covid-19.

The details of the persistance of Covid-19 symptoms past hospital discharge (that is, isolation of Corona RNA in patients) is not something Asian countries shared with the world, belying a lack of media freedom in Asian populations, or the lack of language skills among Western journalists and editors.

Reddit pages, rather than journalists, leaders,  robust health system and active doctors, have become the lifeline to recovering patients facing a disease reality ignored by a death-obsessed media and hapless politicians. Academic studies have yet to assuage those who two months after doctors no longer detect corona in our mucus, are still partly invalids from what were supposedly “moderate” cases of infection. Not one study exists describing the process of recovery, nor a statistical analysis of the recovered. It is Reddit and other patient generated support communities which are providing hope in the form of anecdotal “don’t worry, you do eventually shed it” bromides.

Without regular access to doctors and health professionals, whole populations must fend for themselves, with at best misleading information coming from authorities, who, it cannot be overemphasized pursue pandemic policies that in the mid-term will result in greater hardship and death.

Covid-19 is puzzling on immunity, communicability, and persistence, and its pathology, in the susceptibility of high-end athletes to severe infections is no exception.

Infections in healthy, or athletic individuals often overlook a history of protein and steroid use, as well as the fact that high-end athletes are technically not healthy individuals across their lifespans. By age 40 most suffer from chronic diseases masked by athletic medicine during peak years.

Marijuana, vaping, and a slew of other habits may contribute to poor immunity reactions in otherwise healthy individuals, although they seldom result in fatalities, like comorbidities of which obesity (not just diabetes!) – is a lifestyle disease chosen by individuals, industries, and governments.

The penchant of otherwise intelligent people to confuse deaths on the job, with on the job infection, reveals the decrepitude of intelligence when bereft of emotional stability.

It is not because a store employee or a police officer die that he or she had been infected at work.

Most severe Covid-19 cases originate with relatives in a  domestic setting, followed by hospital exposure.  Many dying on the job, or claimed as job deaths, leave behind families and partners, which are unambiguously the source of their infection.

The use by unions, journalists, politicians, and wannabe scientists and failed medical students of these deaths to score Twitter/Facebook points is idiotic.

The ability to crack the complexity of novel coronavirus is impeded by the mental instability of high-IQ individuals, by the cowardice of experts and general populations, but laboratory manipulation, and  chimerical status, is its objective cause.

Evidence does point to the very real possibility that the novel coronavirus was artificially grafted in a laboratory with HIV derived molecules, and not subject to natural selection. Had it undergone the test of bat, rat, dog, or human bodies prior to experiments in a laboratory, it’s pathology would not have caused the global pandemic.


Gilead Science’s stock shot up 8% on the news that its “Baric lab” designed drug Redemsivir exhibited positive test results in hospital studies, even if its actual test history is patchy to say the least. Together with Japan’s Favipiravir and Avigan (both made by Fuji), Redemsivir gives false hope to stock markets and big pharma.

All three drugs pale in efficiently to the preventive use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, but do promise fat corporate profits, and do not require functional medical systems, i.e. are attractive in the current  situation in which patients can’t access general practitioners (MDs, i.e. “doctors”) services.

With its penchant for Biblical references,  (Gilead is a word plucked from the Bible – a  balm ,  the “redem” in Redemsivir sounds like “Redemption” …at least for stock markets) Gilead wasn’t turning a profit for 14 years, until Donald Rumsfeld became its Chairman.

Bush’s Secretary of War didn’t study biology in Princeton, but he sat on Gilead’s board since 1988, and had nearly ten years of previous experience running a sizable pharmaceutical company. Whitney Webb points to a link between Gilead, Rumsfel, and Philip Zack who partook in some strange shenanigans with anthrax in the run up to the Iraq invasion.

Gilead’s current CFO spent ten years at Lazard, running the bank’s investments in healthcare. Major shareholders are Vanguard and Blackrock, with a minor presence of Renaissance Technologies where James Simons and Robert Mercers battled it out during the presidential election in 2017.

Gilead’s board includes George Schultz, the omnipresent Reagan insider, Secretary of State and member of Stanford’s neocon Hoover institution which sends a second Gilead board member – John Cogan with his long career working with Schultz and other presiddents in USGOV.

Trump’s claims that China had produced the novel coronavirus in a failed attempt to imitate an American experiment comes on the back of FBI arrest of several Chinese scientist central to a collaboration between Harvard and the same Wuhan institute which provided Baric with the original coronavirus strain on which he performed his laboratory experiments.

Charles Lieber, the head of Harvard’s collaboration with Wuhan, a recipient of prestigious medical prizes in Israel, was also arrested by the FBI.   

Israeli spy/scientist Dany Shoham was the first to publicly claim that Covid-19 was a deliberate attack by China against the West. In early 2000, Shoham was the first to spread  anti-Saddam anthrax propaganda. Shoham recently worked at the New Delhi-based Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, the city where  Indian scientist first identified  a relationship between HIV and the novel coronavirus.

Seeing that Trump’s charges against China are spread by the  “faux alternative media” circuit of Infowars and Breitbart, and the sell-out mainstream media led by Fox,  Trump’s charges against China no doubt bear some ground in truth.

Because American scientists were behind the creation of the novel coronavirus in collaboration with Gilead since 2015, a company which is now marketing a “miracle” drug Redemsvir, it is unlikely that Trump’s anti-China charges lack evidence.

As with all successful statecraft, China will take the fall for what is likely to be merely a partial responsibility, skillfully manipulated by America’s foreign policy establishment to suit Trump’s national security interests. Concessions on trade, international politics, many genuinely needed, will be the costs exacted from  a politburo outmaneuvered in the court of global opinion; Wuhan, the poster child of modern China, a metaphorical castration of its prowess.

China certainly played a part in the creation of the novel coronavirus, but it is unlikely to carry more responsibility for the subsequent pandemic than Ralph Baric, his colleagues, Gilead Sciences, and America’s intelligence agencies. Certainly not more than stupid policy responses, cowardly doctors, overheating ventilators, the hysterical predisposition of intellectuals, the ignorance of the uncouth masses, and the triumph of the police state that are the real drivers of  Covid-19 fatalities.


Source: https://tsarfat.wordpress.com/2020/04/20/covid-19-made-in-a-lab-ask-gilead-and-baric/
