A show called "Straight" which airs on MBC has been all over YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyung Suk. They have been working hard trying to dig up as much dirt as possible. Their latest find is a doozy!
Allegedly in 2014, PSY and Yang Hyun Suk were hosting two Malaysian investors in 2014. Yang Hyun Suk is then said to have gotten sex services for the Malaysian investors through a businesswoman who many in the industry call "Madam Jung". An informant claims that Yang told Madam Yang to get the investors whatever they wanted.
The Malaysian investors had such a great time that a month later Yang had arranged a trip for a group of Malaysian investors including billionaire Taek Jho Low to Europe. Taek Jho Low was introduced to Yang by PSY. Once the trip was set, Madam Jung had 10 women from Gangam try out to Europe for a "shopping trip".
Currently the Seoul Metropolitan Police are looking into the matter. For sure they will interview Madam Jung and probably some of the women that went on the Europe trip.
Yang and PSY have denied most of the allegations including the alleged prostitution. Yang recently set his Instagram to "private" as the investigation continues.
This is a HUGE blow to PSY who has a semi clean image in Korea and the globe. The only real issue PSY ever had was when he was arrested for marijuana in 2001 and spent a month in jail. He took 6 months off and came back with a warm welcome from Korea.
What did he know and how much of a role he played will be revealed in due time. Worst case is that PSY and Yang get charged with human sex trafficking for sending sex workers from Korea to Europe.
YG's grave keeps getting deeper and deeper. Yang leaving the company has done nothing to stop the freefall. We are starting to see just how bad of an environment Yang created at YG. Most of the talent on YG started out as minors, they would have been vulnerable to drug use and sexual encounters. This could end up being the Harry Weinstein scandal that happened in Hollywood. Will K Pop stars slowly start speaking out against YG and Yang? Korea could be looking at a #MeToo movement of their own as they now have a villian as the face.