Censorship is running rampant. I lost 10% of my Twitter followers just last week. We need a public ban list to properly track it and show people what not to do wrong and to prove that you’re being unbiased. It was very challenging for me to find anything useful.
These are some basic links which are really just articles because of how little of anything I could find that you can look at:
- https://thefreethoughtproject.com/social-media-purge-top-ten-sites/
- https://www.marketplace.org/2016/05/27/world/social-media-censorship-around-world
It really goes to show the lack of transparency on the end of the social platforms and the lack of effort on our end to ensure they uphold their standards. This is why I'm calling for you to search for and or provide links to platforms, resources, or anything that could aid in our efforts to track censorship and follow up on it.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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