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Nested Comments & Group Update

Scott CunninghamJan 23, 2019, 8:47:43 AM

Hey everyone so this is a quick update just to share that there is some cool new stuff out on Minds. I don't actually know how many things were changed, but I'll share the two major things I've noticed and am happy with!

First we'll take about nested comments. Note that older posts are still migrating and don't have nested comments thus no reply buttons making older conversations currently slightly harder to use, but will be fixed. Also you can just log out and refresh to fix the issue in most cases.

Now let's look at what the new nested comments look like.

The major difference here is you have your reply button (phew) and the conversations are neat and expandable. So you can compress or expand conversations you're focused on reading and you can see how many replies were made in a sub-thread.

The last major difference I saw was the group bar which I'm not seeing on mobile, but on a computer you now have a group bar above the chat messenger with groups you are in serving as a sort of quick shortcut group titivation which is cool!

So there you have it. I am sure they made countless updates and changes, I've only seen these two. I wanted to share this really so that people weren't worried that comment threads were ruined for their old posts or confused.

Let me know your thoughts and if you know of other changes in the comments below!


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