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I Don't Know What My Passion Is Or Don't Think I Can Pursue It

Scott CunninghamJan 25, 2019, 3:01:13 AM

I've found a lot of people struggle to pursue their passion or to find their passion to begin with and there is a lot of stigma and shame around not knowing or pursuing it that people avoid talking about or being open about it which keeps them from getting more involved and learning more and moving forward. This may not be you, but a lot of people just live for the weekend. I'd like to address these fears and concepts and I draw an interesting parallel between financial literacy and pursuit of passion. You must sacrifice, focus on it, talk about it and learn more, you can't just want it. Everyone wants money. It's not a goal because everyone wants it, just like breathing oxygen isn't a goal. This isn't to say you shouldn't strive for wealth, but you should strive for passion and the wealth will come.

Let me know what your passion is and or your thoughts about this in the comments below.


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