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Crypto And Blockchain Social March Earnings

Scott CunninghamApr 22, 2020, 5:52:58 AM

I have achieved my goal of earning $500 CAD a month from crypto income on blockchain platforms. I’ve been aiming for $500 for a long time and will share with you and breakdown how I used the 9 platforms below to achieve this.

Publish0x – 561 BAT – 0.1636 USD = $91.78 USD earned from post rewards

Brave Browser – 30 BAT – 0.1636 USD = $4.91 USD from ad rewards and creator donations

LBRY – 5,721 LBC - $0.0137 USD = $78.37 from user earnings, content earnings, invites, and more

Steem – Around 650 - $0.15 USD = $97.5 USD from post rewards

Hive – Around 340 - $0.114 USD = $38.76 USD from post rewards

SoMee – 15,781 unrealized SoMee points valued at $0.0015 USD when converted to ONG = $23.67 USD – They were shut down for maintenance for 2-3 weeks. Also, note that you can’t convert your SoMee into ONG and withdraw unless you pay $100 in fiat money.

Flote - 0.00071 BTC in donations received – $7,042 USD = $5 USD

Uptrennd – 3,248 1UP – 0.0039 USD = $12.65 USD earned for post rewards

Minds – 0.157 ETH = $24.75 USD earned from Minds Pro

The grand total excluding SoMee came to $353.72 USD which is $500.28 CAD.


If we include SoMee which earned me $23.67 USD or $33.48 CAD in an off month that had at least 2 weeks of maintenance and no posting at all, I will say I’d probably be closer to $550 CAD.

My goal for per month income for cryptocurrency in Canadian dollars for this year was $500. So, I’m very happy to report that has been achieved. I’ve been trying to get this going for some time now to prove that it’s possible to pay rent or in my case my utilities and food every month. I’m currently growing my stock dividend portfolio to pay for my $75 cell phone bill and I’m earning an average of $36 CAD in dividends a month even with the stock market being so down so I’m well on my way.

The concept for all of this is to be able to earn enough money passively and passionately through doing what I achieve full financial freedom. I think many people interested in cryptocurrency and earning on blockchain platforms have similar dreams and motivations. Being able to earn from your posts starting day one is very encouraging and motivating. Another form of passive income I have currently are royalties for some music I’ve recorded and released.

I’m also currently working on a book I’m calling The Undiscovered Value Of Your Content which would also ideally pay royalties, but I’ll probably give it away for free in a PDF, etc. anyways. The point is that there’s a lot you can do to earn passive income in a real way. It’s not some get rich quick scheme, it’s hard work, but it’s worth it. While obviously posting content isn’t passive income, I enjoy doing it and will continue doing it and I like to use the term “passive passion income” because if I’m enjoying myself I consider any funds coming in the same as I would passive income mentally. I understand that will not always be possible, so I’m not actually using it to pay for food. Instead, I’m investing it so that I can build all my passive income streams more.

I also really support financial minimalism and have been dramatically changing a lot of things I do to save money like having no car, watering down drinks, living and eating simple, always making food at home, buying selection brands, cutting out junk food, switching to cheap green tea, rarely ever buying new clothes, and many more. The general attitude I take is, what could I do with this money if I invested it instead? I look at a Nintendo switch for $399.99 which comes to about $450 with tax. Instead of buying that, I could go and 10 TD stocks that will pay me for the rest of my life and likely go up enough in value and with earned dividends to eventually pay for a switch. It really comes down to patience and delayed gratification.

Anyways, I hope this inspires you and lights a fire under your ambition as it does for me. I think the most exciting way to build your personal finance is to set yourself up with income for life.

What are your income goals? Are you using any of the platforms I shared above? Is this useful and or encouraging for you? Would you like to see reports like these every single month to get a better insight into crypto social profitability? Let me know what you think about this in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!