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Build Your Business Before You Focus On Brand

Scott CunninghamMar 12, 2019, 3:43:13 AM

Focus on the work before the brand. Lately I have seen that people are trying to do this in reverse. This may come across as controversial at first, but when you dive a little deeper it makes sense.

They start to build a big brand off nothing and then have nothing to show because they don’t have any processes for content or really any processes at all. When you wait until you have everything perfect it’s too late. So whether your creating content or building a business, you need to have an actual business to brand before you focus everything on presentation. You can present what you have to say at the Superbowl for the whole world, but if you have nothing to say then does it matter? This isn't for #Linkedin specifically as I actually see it the most for #Instagram businesses, but the concept is equally applicable

It’s almost the same for dieting, it’s the same for most things. Changing the presentation but presenting the same content and data won’t make a difference. You can’t treat a rebrand like you’re going to win the lottery after. It still comes back to the effort and the work always. Learn to work hard before you can work smart.

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