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Netflix Projected To Lose Millions Because Of Far Left Stance On Abortion

Reformation USAJun 6, 2019, 12:37:49 AM

Recently, Netflix among other far-left film giants have threatened to stop production in Georgia over the new Pro Life "Heartbeat Bill".   Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos released a statement saying:  “We have many women working on productions in Georgia, whose rights, along with millions of others, will be severely restricted by this law. It’s why we will work with the ACLU and others to fight it in court. Given the legislation has not yet been implemented, we’ll continue to film there -- while also supporting partners and artists who choose not to. Should it ever come into effect, we’d rethink our entire investment in Georgia,” 

So basically what they are saying, is that if Georgia by some chance stops killing as many babies as they do,  Netflix would "rethink" their entire investment in Georgia. This is scare tactics that the left has used in the past , trying to use  money to persuade people into doing things their way. But the difference this time is not just a few  backlash Tweets from Christians and Conservatives, but rather a huge blow to the gut of the streaming giants pockets. 

A few days ago a petition was started that not only boycotts Netflix, but actually calculates how much money they are losing yearly because of their Anti-Life stance and beliefs. In just a few days, Netflix had lost thousands and thousands of dollars, and the media is just starting to to talk about this awesome petition. 

Registered money lost as of 6/5/2019

Now, keep in mind that not everyone who has cancelled Netflix in the past 2 weeks has signed the petition, and that the media is just picking up this story. We are projecting that by the end of 2019 Netflix will lose millions of dollars because of their far left stance on abortion and other leftist beliefs. 

But will Netflix be boycotting Egypt where abortion is illegal?  What about Jordan? Nope and Nope. Netflix is planning major filming in both Muslim countries where abortion is illegal, so why would they boycott Georgia where there is a mere heartbeat bill that may  go into effect? It's because of their far left narrative that would not want to offend Islam, but does not care what Christians and Conservatives think. Netflix has no problem with countries who punish people for being homosexual, but yet they push the homosexual agenda themselves. They have no problem with abortion being illegal in Muslim countries, but are all kinds of offended by a heartbeat bill, which by the way, would still allow for most abortions to happen legally.  

If you have cancelled  Netflix, Hulu, or are changing your mind about the upcoming Disney streaming service, please sign the petition at RedPetition.com 

If you send a screenshot of your cancellation to facebook.com/jonspeedbookscout    You will receive a 50% discount off of in stock books 

50% Off at Jon Speed: The Book Scout 

On top off all this, Christians are planning a  Day of Fasting from facebook on July 1st.  This day we are encouraged to do other things such as read a book, spend time with family, and study the bible. This event has already gotten the attention of facebook, and they have shadow banned it and suppressed it so it does not show up in news feeds or on calendars. But you can still invite your friends to join in this Day of Fasting if you go to the event page and hit "Share" and then "Invite". Links in the comments.