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New Study Claims 'Conspiracy Theorists' Are More Likely To Be 'Criminals'...

Patriots SoapboxMar 7, 2019, 5:07:28 PM

In the latest attack by the ivory tower gatekeepers for the establishment on critical thinking, self-autonomy, freedom of speech and association and the rights of the average citizen, a new study has come out claiming that: 

"Those who subscribe to outrageous conspiracy theories are more likely to commit low-level crime, a new study has found.

Belief in such ideas - like the theory that Princess Diana was murdered by the British establishment - has often been associated with negative outcomes such as political disengagement, prejudice, and environmental inaction.

And now psychologists from the universities of Kent and Staffordshire suggest it can also make people more inclined to be involved in antisocial and 'unethical' acts." 

The notion that anyone who thinks for themselves, does their own research and comes to their own conclusions without being spoon fed a narrative by the mainstream media gatekeepers is somehow a 'conspiracy theorist' is utterly absurd. This would imply some mass collective agreement on historical events of complexity and ideological group-think is the norm, which it is not, despite the best attempts by the ruling class to manufacturer such consent. In the field of science for example, theories are often being floated and tested, debated and put under the microscope.  To suggest that such debate and dissent is somehow 'dangerous' or anti-social is itself, anti-science. 

This biased, faux intellectual word-salad drivel pretending to be a legitimate 'study' denies the reality that conspiracies are real and happen every day.

No where in this 'study' is the mention of cartels and organized criminal networks operating covertly and trans-nationally, which is well documented, the recent arrest of the infamous 'El Chappo' being one of the most recent examples. During the testimony of witness Alex Cifuentes:

"the accused Mexican drug lord once paid a $100m bribe to the former Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto." 

So, if the former president of Mexico can be involved in a criminal conspiracy that should tell us something. That perhaps doing a little more research, critical thinking and having freedom of thought isn't a bad thing. The notion that this is somehow anti-social is a self-serving lie perpetuated by politically motivated social engineers all vying to maintain the status quo and retain power by control. 

Because if you can criminalize 'wrong think', if you can enact 'hate speech' laws, anything can be considered 'hate speech' it can and will be interpreted in the broadest scope and will be weaponized to squash any dissent at all, and any ability by the average citizen to speak truth to power. 

'Hate speech' laws always lead to self-censorship, which is 'thought control.' Make no mistake, they will try to use this 'study' to justify the use of force and the power of the state to target anyone who attempts to speak truth to power, claiming they are somehow a criminal or threat to national security. 

My experience has been the opposite. Most of the average people I know do question the 'official narrative' of some past historical events, but they also have a deep respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. They are supporters of law enforcement, and have a desire for equal justice under the law for all people. 

I suspect we will see more attempts at 'forcible collectivization' and 'group think' by the Radical Cultural Marxists who pretend to be legitimate academics and 'intellectuals' who just cant stand anyone who dare question the so-called 'authorities and experts.' I mean, the ivory tower gatekeepers need to maintain power, or they might have to get real jobs one day, and *gasp* might have to do actual physical labor, which they arrogantly believe is beneath them.