
My mother always told me not to talk about religion or politics: it would bring quarrels. So I discuss religion and politics, and she was right. So let's be civil as well as honest. Attack the idea, the public figure, and the aggregate, not the individual on the other end of your conversation. And humor is the spoonful of sugar. And if you feel like it, share what makes a great novel for you since my avocation is writing and I will soon begin my second novel.
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My mother always told me not to talk about religion or politics: it would bring quarrels. So I discuss religion and politics, and she was right. So let's be civil as well as honest. Attack the idea, the public figure, and the aggregate, not the individual on the other end of your conversation. And humor is the spoonful of sugar. And if you feel like it, share what makes a great novel for you since my avocation is writing and I will soon begin my second novel.