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How To Get Verified on Minds

Jake | Fortnite GamerFeb 25, 2019, 11:07:55 PM

Almost everyone who knows the basics of Social Media, knows that being verified on a platform means something special. In a world where anyone can create an online account, becoming verified let's your page's visitors know that you are a real person and not a fake account posing under the same name. Verifying an account will indicate that the account belongs to the person or organization represented and helps prevent fraud under that persons name.

So how does one get verified on Minds?

First, you will need to make sure that you meet the requirements of verification for Minds. This is actually quite simple and if you're confident you meet the requirements you can skip ahead and click here.

1.) Make sure to have at least 3-5 posts on your channel, I highly recommend closer to 10 or more and even providing similar content from another social media website.

2.) You will be required to submit TWO other websites where you can be identified and matched as the same user/person/channel/business. For example, if you go to my Instagram, Twitter or Facebook you will see that my name is consistent through all platforms that I am a part of. 

This also makes it a lot easier for people to find you!

3.) You will need to be a MindsPlus member. At the time that I signed up the cost was a wire of 20 tokens a month. This may or may not change in cost and signing up happens just as fast as you wire them the tokens.


Benefits of MindsPlus

MindsPlus is worth the investment even if you don't intend to get verified. Your tokens go to help make everything on Minds work and improve. In return, you will no longer be forced to see boosted ads (only if you want to under the boostfeed), and you receive exclusive behind the scenes photos of the people running this great platform. Not to mention a badge that gives you an extra edge when people are checking out your channel. 

﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?

Since you've made sure you met the requirements, all you need to do now that you're a MindsPlus member is go back and click "Request to be Verified"

Once you click to be verified, a prompt will pop up asking you to provide the URL links to your two other sites and why you think you should be verified. I'm not gonna tell you to what to say, because you should know why you need to be verified. ;)

After you hit submit the request, all you need to do is sit back and relax. In a few days, the good people at Minds will review your request, as long as you meet the requirements you will magically receive your verification badge. 



Feel free to reach out in Minds Messenger or email!

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