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We just released an APM Package + more updates via https://www.starkdrones.org/home/os & http://lonero.org/ Update: Also you can install via Yarn or Snapcraft as well :) Also don't forget, you can install our GitHub app and make it compatible with any repo that uses our library for usage metrics :): https://github.com/apps/decentralized-internet | This can help us track code coverage

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More from LoneroLNR

Few Updates :) We are working on relaunching ChainBoard through enterprise level systems after the whole "Kickstarter Fiasco" https://github.com/Lonero-Team/About-ChainBoard https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1039285739027480576?referrer=LoneroLNR We are also starting to update our documentation, software, and all things Lonero-related Plus we have some special "launches" soon, so stay tuned!

Now we a total stats button on our OS page :) Amongst, other minor updates via http://starkdrones.org/home/os & https://lonero.org

We don't know how it happened, but the download count recently skyrocketed for our OS with 1000 extra downloads. Now we stand at 10,758 downloads as of 4 hours ago :) via http://starkdrones.org/home/os & https://lonero.org

More from LoneroLNR

Few Updates :) We are working on relaunching ChainBoard through enterprise level systems after the whole "Kickstarter Fiasco" https://github.com/Lonero-Team/About-ChainBoard https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1039285739027480576?referrer=LoneroLNR We are also starting to update our documentation, software, and all things Lonero-related Plus we have some special "launches" soon, so stay tuned!

Now we a total stats button on our OS page :) Amongst, other minor updates via http://starkdrones.org/home/os & https://lonero.org

We don't know how it happened, but the download count recently skyrocketed for our OS with 1000 extra downloads. Now we stand at 10,758 downloads as of 4 hours ago :) via http://starkdrones.org/home/os & https://lonero.org