Nathaniel Xavier Guerrero

I'm 21, Married, have a degree in Computer Network Engineering, and working towards a B.S. in Software Engineering currently. I'm also a Christian Center-Conservative that is more open-minded than people give me credit for. I like to research into things and believe that over the decades more lies than truths have been told and that we need to start telling average people the truth, regardless of feels. I also have a Gaming Youtube channel, along with a blog I plan on writing on Minds. I play mostly shooters and RPGs on my gaming channel and have a few series. My blogs will mostly be about things I have experienced or information I believe should be out there or spread more rapidly. I also like to share memes. Please give me your Keks!!!
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I'm 21, Married, have a degree in Computer Network Engineering, and working towards a B.S. in Software Engineering currently. I'm also a Christian Center-Conservative that is more open-minded than people give me credit for. I like to research into things and believe that over the decades more lies than truths have been told and that we need to start telling average people the truth, regardless of feels. I also have a Gaming Youtube channel, along with a blog I plan on writing on Minds. I play mostly shooters and RPGs on my gaming channel and have a few series. My blogs will mostly be about things I have experienced or information I believe should be out there or spread more rapidly. I also like to share memes. Please give me your Keks!!!