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Instant Meditation

Mystic_SageryFeb 24, 2022, 8:10:25 AM

Meditation is extremely good for you. It empowers the mind and enhances the immune system and dissolves trauma. It will completely change your life if you do it regularly.

Unfortunately, meditation has always taken years to get barely good at: When you don't know what meditation feels like it's very hard to make yourself feel that way. Today, brainwave entrainment [sic] technology changes that. We can listen to entrainment audio to produce a mind-state at a chosen alpha frequency that feels just like meditation. When the audio fades-out after 15 minutes or so, the student can then produce true meditation by simply willing themselves to keep feeling the same way. After a few sessions the student will be able to meditate without aid, cutting years off the learning-curve.

The difference between brainwave entrainment and meditation is fundamental: one is passive while the other is an act of focus and will. Entrainment by itself may not confer the full benefits of meditation. As far as I can tell, nobody is using brainwave entrainment for initiating meditation. Everybody seems to use it for relaxation or mind-state exploration, but without trying to maintain the trance afterwards.

Most people who use brainwave entrainment use binaural beats with headphones, as shown in the first graph. It's potent enough and has a pleasant sound. Each ear hears a different pure tone (sine wave), but the brain hears the difference between the two (mono graph) and a synchronizes itself to the beat. The brain's clock speed is thus set to what we choose.

Traditional Binaural Beat

Some people combine the two binaural tracks into a mono track to achieve a weaker effect without headphones. In that case it's called a monaural beat. A sharp beat like a snare drum is more powerful than a monaural beat because the silences between beats make it easier for the brain to synchronize with. In that case it's called an isochronic (separated in time) beat. An example is the mono graph below. Monaural and isochronic beats are too annoying for most people.

Because I'm good with math and algorithms, I tried to create a binaural beat that resolved into an isochronic beat. As you can see below, I succeeded. The isochronic binaural beat is more powerful than the binaural beat and sweeter sounding too. Since both ears hear the same note or chord it's adaptable for music, and its even padsynth friendly. Links to the java source codes which make the mp3s below is found at the end of this post.

Isochronic Binaural Beat
Meditation Boot MP3s

Ten Hz is a special frequency. When a person is relaxed and alert, every muscle in their body flexes and relaxes ten times per second. We don't feel it but we can measure it. Ten Hz is also the middle of the alpha brainwave frequency range. It is the mind-body union frequency and an effective place to meditate. Only intermediate (several years of practice) traditional meditators can get as low as 10 Hz without help from brainwave entrainment. You'll know when you are entrained at 10 Hz because your body will be super-relaxed and your thinking will have slowed almost to a stop.

These files last 20 minutes which should be long enough for anybody. Some people only need a few minutes to become entrained and may want to start near the end. Ten to fifteen minutes is average.

10 Hz Traditional Binaural

10 Hz Isochronic Binaural F# Simple Tone

10 hertz Isochronic Binaural F# Major Chord (synth with choir-like settings)

Use these files only at your own risk. It was once thought that traditional binaural beats might cause seizures, but after many millions of youtube plays without complaints it seems safe to assume they do not. My tech is more powerful and virtually untested, so if that worries you use the traditional beat instead. People with pace makers, pregnant women, people with epilepsy, and those using drugs that lower the seizure threshold are often warned away from brainwave entrainment.


Use headphones or earbuds. Loud enough to be clear, but not so loud that it's annoying.

Brainwave entrainment is fragile while its effect is building, but strong once achieved. To become entrained, students must close their eyes, remain motionless, try to relax, and not think about their problems. Being alone with your phone turned off is a good idea.

You may completely lose awareness and fall out of your chair, if you're not reclined.

When I first tried brainwave entrainment I noticed a strong tingling in all my bones, and afterwards noticed that I can sense it more weakly all the time. To meditate without aid, I merely relax and focus my mind on the tingle, and will it to get stronger. My theory about the tingle is that it's caused by the extra blood flow that our bone marrow gets when we're very relaxed.

The effects of entrainment can linger for quite awhile after the audio ends. If you want to wake-up fast, do something energetic or startling, like cold water on the face. Whatever you do, don't try to drive or do anything else requiring wits while in an entrained state.


The subject of brainwave entrainment is littered with misinformation. Don't buy-into lists of magic frequencies. Serious research is available, such as the study of studies below. It shows that the benefits of entrainment are similar to those of meditation.

A comprehensive review of the psychological effects of brainwave entrainment

As mentioned above, when a person is relaxed and alert, every muscle in their body flexes and relaxes ten times per second. Called the "physiological tremor," its frequency is a measure of stress. The more stress you feel, the faster your muscles flex and relax, and the faster you can run if you need to. Voice stress lie detectors record the tremor in the vocal chords during speech and gives a measure stress: high stress when the frequency is above 10 Hz, and low stress when the frequency is below 10 Hz. The frequency range of the tremor, from low stress to high, is exactly the same as the alpha range of 8 to 13 Hz. Knowing this, you might want to avoid entraining at the high stress frequencies above 10 Hz.

Java Source Codes

IsoBin.java produces pure tones and simple dyad chords.

IsoBinSynth.java produces complex padsynth loops.


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