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Mystic_SageryFeb 28, 2022, 3:59:22 PM

Q. May I read your palm?

A. Sure. Only one palm reader has ever read my palm, and she gasped when she saw the mystic cross. Then she wanted to have my baby, so I'm guessing it's pretty good.


Q. Could you use some cash? I've got plenty and can send you some. Let me know...

A. Yes, cash is good. In fact, to be authentic I'm supposed to live on charity.


Q. Do you have any cheap minds tokens to sell?

A. Yes, I bought a thousand for 10 cents each (years ago) and could use the money from a few hundred of them now. However, I don't want to sell them for less than $2.00 so I'm waiting for the price to rise again. Living off-grid without a street address prevents me from dealing in crypto, so I'm seeking to make a private paypal deal.


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