
Rev. Yvette Davis, TND, MH, RM/T Naturopath, Herbalist, RM/T, Primal certified Health Coach, ordained minister, Writer & Speaker. I have SPMS. 11 years ago I struggled to walk across my own living room. I could not drive. There were days I struggled to hold a fork or dress myself. Modern medicine informed me there was nothing I could do. Doctors told me to start shopping for a nursing home. I fought back. I learned how to do what "they" told me could not be done-- I recovered. I stopped the disease progression, reversed symptoms and now live a full and active life. I hike, I run, I'm learning to paddle board this summer. I run my own small business, and I homeschool my kids. I got my life back. It's now my personal mission to help people suffering from chronic illness to learn how to recover. It can be done. I've been there. I can lead you toward better health. Gab: @msquill
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Rev. Yvette Davis, TND, MH, RM/T Naturopath, Herbalist, RM/T, Primal certified Health Coach, ordained minister, Writer & Speaker. I have SPMS. 11 years ago I struggled to walk across my own living room. I could not drive. There were days I struggled to hold a fork or dress myself. Modern medicine informed me there was nothing I could do. Doctors told me to start shopping for a nursing home. I fought back. I learned how to do what "they" told me could not be done-- I recovered. I stopped the disease progression, reversed symptoms and now live a full and active life. I hike, I run, I'm learning to paddle board this summer. I run my own small business, and I homeschool my kids. I got my life back. It's now my personal mission to help people suffering from chronic illness to learn how to recover. It can be done. I've been there. I can lead you toward better health. Gab: @msquill