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Micro Breakthrough

mindsyncMar 6, 2019, 4:53:06 AM

Life can be really daunting at times, thinking about all your mistakes. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. You know the story, but what if I was meant to be where I currently am in life, currently stationed in strife, covered in mud, truly a diamond in the rough. Many people cry that life is too rough and they are disadvantaged and they are doomed to fail, funny thing is I use to think the same way as well due to conditioning but I always had this little voice continually reminding me that I have a greater purpose that’s beyond this moment of now, and so it kept me going and kept me thinking, and along the way I had micro breakthroughs, one such breakthrough being absolution, for me it means whatever you believe absolutely becomes absolute. 

Practicing absolution takes time and time is something this society siphons from you like a parasitic leach, but it can be done for I’ve created freedom for myself and within that time which I was free I saw through the illusion even beyond the illusion of time which in itself is a trap, but that’s a deeper conversation for another time. So, let’s get back to absolution, I was absolutely sick of how my life was progressing and with laser like focus I manifested a truly mind-altering reality, I remember waking up asking what day is it, simply being high on life, but due to the fact that my level of understanding wasn’t reflective of my new reality the experience was brief, going as fast as it came.I can’t really say how someone else would deal with the situation as far as the pain of great setbacks but for me, the experience lit a fire under my ass. For I firmly believe if you do it once you can definitely do it twice.