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Why this Hentai Japanese Game and Manga Publisher has Joined the Minds Community in 1776 Words.

Mikandi JapanJul 5, 2019, 3:59:59 AM

Hi Everyone, and an extra hello to Bill @ottman,

We're MiKandi Japan, a Japanese game and manga publisher located in the heart of Tokyo that focuses on glorious hentai content. And I’m James, one of the managers who somehow manages to manage this wild operation. This is our first blog post on Minds, so I wanted to kick everyone in the gonads — I mean kick things off — by explaining how we got here and how we plan to contribute to this groin’ community!

We’re constantly having problems on the big, bloated, social media “platforms” related to the mind-blowing material we produce.

We’re often blocked from running ads and promoting content even when there’s no nudity. Our SFW posts routinely get flagged or magically marked as NSFW with no explanation whatsoever.

On Kickstarter, we recently had a comic project approved for launch, then suspended a few days later. The Japanese artist is a twenty-year-industry veteran. His work is sold in bookstores in Japan and has become anime. We had raised over $20,000 from fans, but none of that mattered. Our campaign was squashed like a bug and under suspicious circumstances at that.

My favorite incident though was the time we tried to run a paid ad on Twitter to promote our game on Steam, but were told that the fully-clothed and SLIGHTLY BUSTY character was — ready for this — TOO BUSTY. Oh and small ones were not okay either. Goldie Locks must have been moderating that day because only medium-sized ones were just right. So what did we do? We ordered a pizza and had a topless lunch party comparing bust sizes to help determine a safe average. Fun times with a measuring tape definitely, but that’s beside the point.

I know our problems pale in comparison to what’s been happening to others. Still, with every problem we face, our disdain for these platforms grows.

“What happened this time? Have we been soft-banned? Blacklisted? Did the algorithms change? Are our friends being targeted?”

We lose so much time dealing with drama.

But abandoning these platforms feels impossible. They allow us to reach a huge audience, and that does lead to income for our company. It’s a terrible situation that’s getting worse day by day. One thing is certain: these platforms have totally lost our trust.

Do you remember the first time you said to yourself, “Self, you’ve got to get off social media. These sites suck donkey balls!”? For me, those words ran straight through my mind back in 2016 while watching Mark Zuckerberg show off the Oculus Rift Live VR demo.

I could see it burning in his diodic-distopic eyes...

The entire world, imprisoned in a Facebook-augmented reality. Forced to live as a non-offensive avatar in a safe space where all dialogue was algorithmically harmonious (queue the angelic chorus). The advertising opportunities, endless! The personal data collection, limitless! And who would ever want to go back to the “Old World” after experiencing such a blossoming 21st century paradise? BWUHAHAHAHA!

[End Apocalyptic Scene]

Unfortunately, Zuckerbot’s visions of grandeur have only continued to grow since then. In fact, I read last week that he’ll soon be unleashing a cryptocurrency called Libra, which I’m sure will become stupidly popular since Facebook has so much influence already. Bitcoin read my mind when they posted the following in response.

And just for the record, we released Libra first! ^O^

[Save 30% on Libra of the Vampire Princess, during Steam’s Summer Sale!]

But back to how we got here…

A couple of weeks ago, I was doing a Google search… yeah right! Not any more! I refuse to call it that! It was an “internet search” on DuckDuckGo for something like, “The social media giants can eat a big fat fish sausage. What freedom and privacy options exist?” That’s when I discovered Minds.

As I read their White Paper (v0.3), I kept saying to myself, “Wow, this Bill guy may have actually built a platform that frees its users from the exact problems we’ve experienced firsthand.”

So what kind of social media experience is MiKandi Japan looking for you might wonder. It’s pretty simple…

We just want to have fun sharing what we do with our fans, on a platform:

• That doesn’t constantly get in between us like a nasty nagging babysitter (bad nasty, not hot babysitter nasty).

• Where the rules are clear and we don’t need to worry if some unaccountable overlord will be kind enough to please-oh-please let us keep our account alive so we’re not erased from existence.

• That’s not being controlled by a small group of ideologically-motivated, power hungry wimps who want to social engineer the whole friggin' planet into parroting their narrow worldview.

• Where we can advertise to people who are into what we’re into. If we make a game where the protagonist eats sushi off a whip-tailin’ succubus’ bubble-butt behind, then people who are into that kind of thing should be able to find out about it! After all, not everyone wants to be spoon-fed porridge every day.

So Bill, that’s why we’re here. Succubus sushi. Wipe that drool off your freedom beard man! Speaking of which, we are actually working on a plan to crowdfund a succubus game, so be on the lookout for that. Yep, you heard it here first, on Minds!

In all seriousness though, I think the big social media platforms are heading in an increasingly dangerous direction. They’re controlling what we can say and see, so much so, that they’re manipulating our perception of reality. And the result is this: social media is becoming one huge lie because of them.

I don’t usually sit around searching for inspirational sayings, but I did happen to hear a quote by Hannah Arendt the other day that hit me like a Hadouken to the gut. If you’re not familiar with Arendt (and I was not until I heard this), she was an “influencer”. Not your flavor of the week pop idol. She’s considered to be one of the great political philosophers of the twentieth century. Her thinking is along the lines of Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Jefferson, and Tocqueville according to Stanford University. In one of her best known works titled “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, she wrote:

The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as a lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world – and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end – is being destroyed.

It’s hard to believe that was published way back in 1951. She could have easily been referring to the current state of social media. It just goes to show that the fight for the preservation of freedom is never ending.

A few days after catching that quote, I was streaming some 80’s music (more my usual style) and the lyrics for Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” smacked me in the face like a whip-cream-covered crowbar. For a moment I imagined he was talking about the insane addiction people have these days to social media. Check out the lyrics and replace “love” with your least favorite platform. It’ll give you a pretty good tragic chuckle.

Still, as much as I don’t like what’s going on with Big Tech, I don’t want to see the government come in and try to “fix things” either. In the arena of ideas, I know that’s a point of contention for a lot of folks, and you might disagree. But because I believe that, I have to also believe that the solution will be a grassroots movement. And so I, as an individual, strongly feel it’s up to me to do what I can in my own life. And that means I have to try and ween MiKandi Japan off the free-dumb platforms and grow on a freedom platform.

So here we are, hoping that Minds will be one of the new platforms that replaces the “Old World” that we don’t want to be a part of, and betting that the time we spend here will be worth it.

But what exactly will MiKandi Japan do to grow on Minds? Having a goal is good and all, but what actions will we take to achieve that goal?

After thinking it over and discussing the future of MiKandi Japan’s online presence with our team, I drafted up a pledge that we’ll take and follow for the rest of the year. Here it is in a nutshell, and I’m sharing it with you in case you’d like to adopt it...


As a faithful member of the MiKandi Japan team, who is passionately devoted to a world of perfect 2D waifus (swoon), I understand that the big social media sites suck thick, milky cow tits and we can’t just sit around and wait for someone else to take us to a greener pasture. With that said, I hereby pledge to:

• Create only original posts on Minds, never copy posts from our other social media accounts. I can however copy a Minds post to other social media platforms, but when I do, I will mention it was posted on Minds first.

• Spend two minutes posting on Minds for every minute I spend on Twitter and Facebook.

• Post on Minds first if we have an announcement to make across social media.

• Use the Big Tech platforms to encourage our fans and colleagues to join us on Minds.


So yes, for the rest of 2019, we’ll give it our best shot and see where that takes us. And by “best” I mean we’re going to be posting a ton of NSFW hentai tiTTAYS ( o )( o ) all over the place for you and Bill to freak out about! Don’t worry Bill, they’ll be labeled #NSFW. So if you like ecchi games and manga from Japan, with a little bit of humor mixed in, then I hope you’ll support us. And if you don’t, then no problem! Have fun doing your own thing. That’s the kind of community we’re all trying to build, right?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. We’re genuinely excited to be here and we’re looking forward to growing together.

Happy Independence Day America. Good luck on your Brexit, Britain. Keep fighting, Hong Kong. And for anyone else struggling to be free, we’re right there with you.

From Japan with love for my fellow homo sapiens!


MiKandi Japan