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The Northern Goshawk, a large raptor (the largest in its genus), is very widespread. Occupying the boreal and temperate forests throughout the Northern Hemisphere, the goshawk marauds the landscape for its victims. Cousin to eagles and harriers, the goshawk is a powerful hunter. With a shorter wingspan and a large set of tail feathers, this mighty raptor is extremely agile, and highly specialized to hunt both in the dense forest, as well as in the open. Goshawks move from perch to perch scanning for pray, then launch and rapidly accelerate, maneuvering the forest density, crashing through brush, to take down a variety of small to medium-sized mammals and medium to large-sized birds. Tree squirrels, hares, grouse, pheasants, ravens, jays, magpies, woodpeckers generally make up the goshawks diet. During the Middle Ages only the nobility were permitted to fly goshawks for falconry. .......................................................................................................................................................... #science #biology #nature #animals #education

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