de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 136 Title : MGTOW-Masculist Punishment of Women Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer shows how women are being punished by MGTOWs/masculists for being fluffie parasites, for being feminazi bitches, for financially massacring divorcing fathers in the divorce courts, etc. Our main strategy is to force fluffies and fluffie feminists to rot on the shelf by being totally ignored by men. Men have the power to force women to be nice to men or they will be punished.

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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 135 Title : MGTOW-Masculism for Second Halver (over 40) Males Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer introduces MGTOW-Masculist ideas to second halver (over 40) men, dividing this category into two, the third quarter males and the fourth quarter males, which each have their own gender issues, as a function of their age range.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 133 Title : The Penis as Bargaining Tool Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer shows how men can reverse the traditional strategy of women, i.e. trading use of their vaginas for male protein, by giving women penis and attention, ONLY if they are FIPs. Fluffies are ignored by MGTOWs/masculists, as punishment for being manslavers.

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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 135 Title : MGTOW-Masculism for Second Halver (over 40) Males Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer introduces MGTOW-Masculist ideas to second halver (over 40) men, dividing this category into two, the third quarter males and the fourth quarter males, which each have their own gender issues, as a function of their age range.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 133 Title : The Penis as Bargaining Tool Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer shows how men can reverse the traditional strategy of women, i.e. trading use of their vaginas for male protein, by giving women penis and attention, ONLY if they are FIPs. Fluffies are ignored by MGTOWs/masculists, as punishment for being manslavers.