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Sticking Around for the Finale

KaySep 10, 2020, 3:52:35 AM

Why would so many be expecting such unrealistic actions from Trump, especially on the subject of vaccines? Well, when we spend our days immersed in one aspect of life, such as fighting vaccines, it feels like it is the biggest, most important issue in the world. I, myself, fall into this category. However, vaccines are only a tiny portion of everything that is happening right now.

There is absolutely no way that 2 months before the election the President is going to come out and say that he is against vaccines, or that he is standing in the way of the vaccine production. But he has repeatedly stated it is for those who want it; has included therapeutics in the plans; and has pushed “alternative” treatments into the light. The therapeutic convalescent plasma he got the FDA to back him on as a viable treatment is tremendous. Now, we also have the option for Regeneron as well.  It is imperative to remember, per the Emergency Preparedness Act, a vaccine cannot be forced on us if there is a viable treatment or preventative.

Let’s be realistic. Of course he wants the votes. If he is not reelected, he can do absolutely nothing, and we are DONE. I think people often forget, probably because for many of us our circles now consist of those who think and live the same way as we do at this point, that we are a tiny subset of the population. The majority of the people out there WANT a vaccine and they want it now. Especially since all they are hearing is that life can’t get back to normal until there is a vaccine and they are going to die without one.

What they don’t see is the “normal” we knew is gone. Not because it will be replaced with their “new normal” which has been shoved down our throats; though make no mistake, that was absolutely the plan. The “normal” we had was so inherently fucked, it could not possibly persist. But most people can’t even see that.

See, here’s the thing... there is a periodic culling of the population that occurs and there is nothing that is going to stop it. It really is survival of the fittest. There IS such a thing as free will and people ARE going to, and should, make their own choices.  Whether it pains us deeply to watch the ramifications of those choices play out notwithstanding.

On the more palatable side, the amount of people learning about vaccines right now, because of what the President is doing, is greater than it has ever been. The entire system is being demolished and again, vaccines and Pharma is just a small portion of the entire picture. It’s disheartening to think that not everyone is going to survive what we are living through right now, but everyone makes their own choices and everyone has their own karma. There is no way around that. The world we live in is about to change completely. Nothing is going to look the same; feel the same; be the same, when all of this eventually does come to a halt. That’s not to say the end result will be a bad thing. On the contrary, we are witnessing a phenomenal metamorphosis taking place; but it’s going to be completely different no matter which way you look at it.

As far as the people who are saying that we are stupid or naive for just “sitting back” and “trusting the plan”, my question to you is what are YOU doing? Anyone I know who “trusts the plan” is certainly not just sitting back. They are educating themselves; they are stocking up on food and homestead supplies; stocking up on fire arms, taking lessons and getting educated on how to safely and accurately use those arms; spending countless hours doing their best to get information out there and educate others on what is happening BENEATH the political circus charade; focusing on their relationship and understanding of God; and I could go on. It is insulting and blatantly wrong to say that people are “sitting back and doing nothing” because that is the furthest possible thing from the truth. To assume that as truth demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what “trust the plan” and the responsibility that comes along with that phrase means. There is no one person coming to our rescue. The only people who can save us are ourselves. We ARE the plan.

If you feel you are wasting your time with your current actions, what would you be doing otherwise? Are you doing any of the things above? Would you be out there armed, marching through the streets confronting the antifa and BLM organization rioters? Would you be inciting your own violence upon THEM? Would you yourself be storming your state building? What do YOU suggest that these people should be doing? Because I see them doing a tremendous amount of work while practicing the most admirable display of self restraint I’ve ever witnessed in my life. And why shouldn’t they? Why would you stop the people who are unabashedly and violently trying to overtake our country from destroying themselves? Because the longer this plays out, the more people are waking up. The longer our self restraint holds out, the more the illusion is shattered. The longer we keep our composure, the more time people have to realize they want absolutely no part in this vaccine madness; this tracing madness; this Gates madness; this UN globalist cloaked in “Democrats” OR “Republicans” madness. The ENTIRE WORLD is watching and rallying for OUR country; OUR president, and WISHING he was theirs because he and the few standing alongside him are THE ONLY ones giving us the chance to wake up and RISE against the complete and total takeover of our country. 

The United Nations can't succeed in their plan without the United States, and the United States will cease to exist if the United Nations succeeds in their plans. America may not be perfect; capitalism may not be the answer; and we may have a lot of work to do at home, but the destruction of our country and the dissolution of our Constitution is certainly not how we are going to fix it. Handing our sovereignty over on a silver platter to a gaggle of foreign dignitaries who want to strip us of all personal rights and responsibilities, in order to govern us as they would the 2nd and 3rd world countries they have attempted to put us on par with, is sheer INSANITY.  Their promises of the manufactured appearance of utopia they dangle in front of us are hollow.  Nothing good can possibly come from the enslavement of a people.  Period.

We are very literally in the midst of a war. It is the biggest war to EVER take place on earth. It has been going on for centuries but has been actively playing out for at least 60 years now. It is all encompassing. It is global. It is the fight for our entire existence as the human race. To reduce that down to what is being perceived as an undesirable stance on a vaccine and a President who doesn’t care about vaccine injured children is, I fear, shortsighted and narrow focused. This is but a small chapter of a multi volume saga and as tragic as some of it surely is, I am enthralled and anticipatory of what happens next. I do hope I am here for the climax. What a shame it would be to have suffered all the angst and not be afforded the priviledge of sticking around for the finale. May the odds be ever in my favor; and yours. ❤️🙏🏻