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KaracAvalronAug 14, 2020, 12:14:39 PM

I am trying not to be swallowed up by Corona virus, yet I look at my posts and I am posting more and more about it. This has become one of the biggest triggers for anxiety I can remember and that’s saying something. Like everyone else I am dealing with it as best I can, but I am obsessed with worry of losing my job.

That’s my particular worry, I’m sure you have one as well. On top of that I have 2 people in my life “self quarantining” ugh. I’m working from home, schools are closed, most everything is closed. Its not yet hell for me but I’m starting to feel the walls closing in a little bit. Found a decent article here about quarantine and people with anxiety disorders.

From the article:

“Treating anxiety, depression, or other diagnoses like PTSD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and addiction also often requires physical connection. People diagnosed with depression are told to reach out — to doctors, to friends. They’re encouraged to go outside, see loved ones, drag themselves to yoga, the gym, happy hour, AA meetings.

Now, with millions under quarantine, that treatment isn’t safe — at least, not for the moment.”

Isnt that the truth! So many of the mechanisms we have to alieve ourselves of depression and anxiety have been removed. For good cause mind you, Im not bitching (to much) about everything closing down. That said people with anxiety disorders are left to their own devices in many cases.

I don’t know where you fall on the spectrum I would say I am mild to very mild. My issue is intrusive thoughts but for those of you out there who have severe anxiety issues you are in my thoughts. I wish I had some stellar advice here to help you through this unprecedented time, I truly don’t.

I have a couple of things I do, maybe it will help you. I play video games, I know “Karac you are 50 years old” yes well its my hobby and a fantasy world to escape too. I sleep more. I watch shows on amazon prime (trying to figure out how I can watch Vikings season 1-5, I think its on there).

Find something, anything. You can get through this even if you are quarantine. If you can come out of the otherside of this unscathed, and yes this will end eventually, you will be stronger for it.

Hang in there, you are doing great. One day at a time.