
Hello Truth Warriors, I like to Research, keep it real, very real. Knowing despite the obstacles is staying true to the Faith in Jesus Christ. I Believe & Trust in God an in Jesus Christ using Common Sense w/Discernment. At the same time, beware of those False Prophets/Idols Statism...Eugenics...mixing Christianity with their twisted ideology as those playing God never works. Not be associated with the darkness Ephesians 5:6-14. Both political parties are the same coin/end since POLICIES & Philosophies never change on this World's Stage. Staying true to the Faith & Truth counts. https://www.PayPal.Me/TruthIsUnbreakable
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Hello Truth Warriors, I like to Research, keep it real, very real. Knowing despite the obstacles is staying true to the Faith in Jesus Christ. I Believe & Trust in God an in Jesus Christ using Common Sense w/Discernment. At the same time, beware of those False Prophets/Idols Statism...Eugenics...mixing Christianity with their twisted ideology as those playing God never works. Not be associated with the darkness Ephesians 5:6-14. Both political parties are the same coin/end since POLICIES & Philosophies never change on this World's Stage. Staying true to the Faith & Truth counts. https://www.PayPal.Me/TruthIsUnbreakable