
Professional Photographer. I love nature, art, creativity, peace, solitude, meaningful conversation, and time to think and daydream. In this way, photography saved my life. I work behind a desk most days and photography allows me to step away into something organic. Our spirits, souls, or minds yearn for this natural element. Don't ignore that. I accept critique by definition. I do not accept rude, snide, trolling behavior. Be kind, even in correction, and we'll all get along just fine.
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Professional Photographer. I love nature, art, creativity, peace, solitude, meaningful conversation, and time to think and daydream. In this way, photography saved my life. I work behind a desk most days and photography allows me to step away into something organic. Our spirits, souls, or minds yearn for this natural element. Don't ignore that. I accept critique by definition. I do not accept rude, snide, trolling behavior. Be kind, even in correction, and we'll all get along just fine.