I Create Music & I Have Thoughts Just doing my own thing. I can improve but that takes time with this thing we call life. Terrible to genre my own music but I guess it is a kind of classic sound in places with ambient, trip, psybient and dub elements, perhaps there is a word for my style or I am really off. (completely open to thoughts of genres,criticism) Saving for better programs/daws synths to create more better quality sounds one day, Amongst other things, I potter around as well in the garden this time of year so I try and focus time, I love music but other things needs more attention sometimes. Profile will be updated in time (picture/banner of my own) ≖‿≖
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I Create Music & I Have Thoughts Just doing my own thing. I can improve but that takes time with this thing we call life. Terrible to genre my own music but I guess it is a kind of classic sound in places with ambient, trip, psybient and dub elements, perhaps there is a word for my style or I am really off. (completely open to thoughts of genres,criticism) Saving for better programs/daws synths to create more better quality sounds one day, Amongst other things, I potter around as well in the garden this time of year so I try and focus time, I love music but other things needs more attention sometimes. Profile will be updated in time (picture/banner of my own) ≖‿≖