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The Minds Summer Reading Challenge

JaeBee The Lokean PriestessJun 14, 2022, 10:12:10 PM

Hello, hello, all you geeks and peeps! 

If you'll recall, I made a post a little while back about potentially doing a summer reading challenge for our humble little community. We had a boatload of authors here looking to grow their audience, and we have a bunch more would-be readers looking for new books to devour! And since some of us have quite a backlog, I figure this would make a perfect opportunity to kill several birds with one stone. And we can earn TOKENS doing it!

So what are we doing, exactly?

Reading! Through the entire month of July (July 1st to July 31st), we'll be focused on supporting our local authors by buying and reading their books! See the Reading List for some of Minds' published authors (check the comments section to find some others that might not be on the list yet, as well). This list is currently tentative and will likely grow and change. If you're an author with published work, feel free to drop a link in the comments if you'd like to be included. 

Da Rules

Here's where I get into some guidelines. 

  1. Obviously, this is all about Minds authors, so we want to focus on their work. Outside works are allowed, but they won't count towards the token rewards.
  2. So how do you take part and earn tokens? First, go to this group and join to "register":  https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1383539046663327763/feed
  3. Then, pick a book and start reading! Once you finish, there's a couple things you can do to earn tokens: review the book, or answer some questions about it.
  4. If you opt to review the book, it doesn't have to be a full blown essay, but it also has to be more than just "I like it lol". Y'all gotta say something meaningful. Post the review wherever you'd like. On Minds, Amazon, Goodreads, doesn't matter. Just be sure to link/post the review in the group so we can see it!
  5. If you don't wanna review, you can simply answer a few questions about the book, and again, try to make your answers meaningful:
    1. What did you enjoy most about it?
    2. What do you think needed improvements?
    3. Who was your favorite character, if applicable?
    4. What was your favorite part?
  6. Amount of tokens awarded for each book reviewed will be 10, with a cap of 5 books per person. That last part was their restriction. Sorry, folks.
  7. Last but most importantly, HAVE FUN! And don't be a douchewagon. I know there's been drama in the writing community, but we're not here to exacerbate that. We're here to uplift each other!

Let's goooooooo!