The Future Of Earth And Its Remaining Life Forms

That includes the semi-intelligent human scavenger, and its organizational form, 'society.' What will it be like in 100 years ? Let's do some extrapolation... there's a plan at work... Sharia ? Blade Runner ? Everybody Transgender ? Matrix ? Everybody on Welfare ? Will there be any non-bacterial life except humans ? Is that ven an option ? This is about the possible, probable, likely outcomes of contemporary developments and policies like #globalism, #egalitarianism and #idiocracy under consideration of human delusionality (#religion etc.), human herd animal psychology and their impact on planetary ecology and its evolution as such. What will it be like ? Who are the planners ? Cui bono ? Would you want to live there, goy ? Would we want you to even exist? Obviously not... quite YOU, not quite the way you are now. That would still be too Amalek. Let's try to find out how the future will most likely be, and if the 'Elites' will be happy with it. Let's write the story. What is your cast ?