Born In Equity

'Equity by Nature' overcomes ALL law, no matter the form of law. Yes, even common law. Do not be confused by those who claim that 'Equity by Characteristic,' is the same as 'Equity by Nature.' For 'Equity by Characteristic' is "granted" under law, and that is backwards from the truth because, 'Equity by Nature' preceded all law and thus is the source for all law, and that is why pure unadulterated 'Equity by Nature,' is superior to all law, and as a result of that has priority over all law. Therefore, 'Equity by Characteristic,' is limited by the boundaries of law, and that is why it is not true equity, having only and appearance of equity, and that is why it is only, 'Equity by Characteristic.' For pure unadulterated 'Equity by Nature needs no law, but actually is the source for all law, because equity can do what the law cannot do, which is bring relief. Law can only allow for remedy, and remedy is temporary, not permanent. (Such as discharging debt verses, not showing why and how a matter is already settled in the suretyship of yahuwah-ben-shuwah et-mashiyach (Jesus the Christ), as one kinsmen redeemer. 'Equity by Characteristic' does not and cannot settle and close a matter with the relief that only can be manifested with trust in et-mashiyach, thereby allowing the trustworthy one to manifest the presents of their King of kings as their surety to prove the private, sacred and special is in whom one has placed all of their trusts.