Soul Labs

Soul Labs The laboratory of the soul Engineer your mind, Take control of your life In the age of information our minds are being threatened not very differently from our computers. Our minds are hackeable, susebtible to suggestion. The sovereingty over our perception and consciousness can be, and is being controlled so that we behave as someone other than ourselves sees fit. We need to take responsability and engineer our minds so that we become as happy and prosperous as we have the potential to be. If you want the freedom that comes with the responsibility of thinking for yourself. I welcome you, to the laboratory of the soul.
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Existence is outside me Reality is within me The self is me I think I feel I will I am My self is My reality is My existence is Your existence is Your reality is Your self is You think You feel You are You will We will We are We exist But... do we real? No Reality is made by us It is not us We are not real We simply are And as we are Existence is too


Allegiance is the commitment of a subordunate to a master or of an individual to a group or a cause. The very definition shows us the historic evolution of political organization. In the middle ages allegiance was based on personal ties of a group to a feudal lord, in the 19th...See more


Cultures spread through the sharing of material and abstract cultural elements. This process is called diffusion. Diffusion is responsible for the creation of new cultures as for the death of old ones. Cultures usually die because material elements diffuse into their culture and...See more


Ideologies and governance have throughout history been clearly affected by the accessibility of weapons. If everybody can get weapons of equal caliber, than the government becomes democratic, if weapons with higher capacity require specialization than violence is monopolized and the government becomes authoritarian. This social pattern reflects a law of social formation much like chemistry and physics have unbreakable laws: The access to violence determines the character of government.


The cycles of civilization have been as follows: 1. Formation of a culture through ideological unity/cohesion. 2. Expansion of the culture through diffusion of cultural elements and products. 3. Internal conflict, demoralization and polarized social unrest. 4. Social reorganization and development into an age of empire. 5. Economic corroption, demoralization, social unrrest cultural invasion and death of civilization. In which stage is Western civilization today?


Civilizations are the results of indioviduals congregating under a mutual identity based on a common system of ideas, beliefs and behaviors otherwise called culture. Ideas like people morph and change, are born and die. We are experiencing the stage of a culture agonizing, that is the source of the demoralization of western civilization.


Idealism is the philosophical view that postulates that the fundamental constitution of reality lies in mind or spirit. Objective Idealism accepts Naïve Realism which states that objects exist independently from observers; however it rejects Naturalism which states that abstract phenomena are product of matter. Thus, Objective Idealism opens a new perspective to the construction of a scientific model of the universe.


Idealism is the philosophical view that postulates that the fundamental constitution of reality lies in mind or spirit. Objective Idealism accepts Naïve Realism which states that objects exist independently from observers; however it rejects Naturalism which states that abstract phenomena are product of matter. Thus, Objective Idealism opens a new perspective to the construction of a scientific model of the universe.

Soul Labs The laboratory of the soul Engineer your mind, Take control of your life In the age of information our minds are being threatened not very differently from our computers. Our minds are hackeable, susebtible to suggestion. The sovereingty over our perception and consciousness can be, and is being controlled so that we behave as someone other than ourselves sees fit. We need to take responsability and engineer our minds so that we become as happy and prosperous as we have the potential to be. If you want the freedom that comes with the responsibility of thinking for yourself. I welcome you, to the laboratory of the soul.