International News - War & Peace

News and articles related to international relations and conflicts.
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Even Arabs mock Iran's pathetic fart of an attack on Israel


After the first wave of drone and missile attacks by Iran failed, they are preparing a second wave, this time with kamikaze pilots. There are rumors that Teheran is looking to hire Bagdad Bob.


So the stupid Mullahs chose death ... 🤦‍♂️


EXPOSING ZELENSKY: I previously posted multiple articles - even from left-wing sources - that documented Zelensky's horrendous corruption. Here is a more extensive documentary about Zelensky and the war in Ukraine:


A Ukrainian sharpshooter reveals in a YouTube interview how he feels about the war: that supplies are drying up, that most of his fellow soldiers are losers and that he has no more confidence in the Ukrainian government. That things will only get worse. The OBVIOUS conclusion is...See more


So some of the low-IQ Houtis in Yemen cut an internet cable. That will cost a fortune as it is super hard to repair and caused 25% of the entire internet traffic to be impaired. Fortunately, internet was made to route around problems, but such a loss of capacity will have serious consequences - obviously mostly on the people in their own region 🤦‍♂️


MSN Unterdrückt sämtliche Kommentare die der offiziellen Narrative widersprechen - offensichtlich, wie schon erwähnt, mit AI. Alle folgenden Kommentare wurden zurückgewiesen, zusammen oder individuell, als einzelne Paragraphe: Das ganze Geld und all die Waffen, die der Westen...See more


Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin: Sun Tsu's Art of War says that one must know one's enemy and oneself. Without freedom of speech, both are impossible!



. Catalonia is demanding a referendum of determination, and Spain is directing all its media power against it. They talk about the unity of Spain, a medieval unity that some kings imposed by force without voting for what the people want. Catalan is secondary to Spanish in their...See more

News and articles related to international relations and conflicts.