5G & Coronavirus

This is my/your Corona/5G Archive... Subscribe if you want to be updated and feel free to sugest content! Found it useful? Feel free to show your appreciation with a wire so i can keep boosting important news as i do this merely for humanity cause we are in a crisis! FORMER VODAFONE BOSS BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G AS RELATED TO CORONAVIRUS. COMPLETE THEORY. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4B6fPtoaE&pbjreload=10 THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC http://stateofthenation.co/?p=12517 5G is niet oké https://5gisnietoke.nl/ https://www.antennebureau.nl/plaatsing-antennes/aantal-antenne-installaties-voor-mobiele-communicatie https://antenneregister.nl/Html5Viewer/Index.html?viewer=Antenneregister%5Fextern #coronavirus#5G#covid19#pandemic#emf